Chapter 4

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When I got to the house I heard the shower going so I assumed Jessika was still here, I knocked on the door and it was open so I walked in it was extremely foggy. Is that tia she yelled naw it's Jay. Get out of here Jay what are you doing she poked her head out of the shower I have to pee girl and the door was unlocked any way so I thought you wanted me to come in I joked "haha very funny" she said. Well I see you made yourself at home I gestured "well I don't want to be at the dorms by myself, Tia's at her moms" she replied mhm it's okay if you want to be under me I joked again, "get out Jay" she said snatching the shower door closed. I went to the room and it was spotless, the kitchen was spotless even the guess room, wow she even cleans I said to myself godly she's a keeper.
I heard the bathroom door open, "um can I change in here" she said go ahead I grinned and sat on the guess bed, "no Jay you have to get out." Why? I looked confused "um because we're just friends she stated." Okay friend I got up and shut the door behind me. I gave her enough time to put her bra and panties on and barged back in she tried covering herself and she gave me a frown "what do you want now" she laughed I sat on the bed and told her simply, You.

She looked a little confused and told me that she weren't having sex with me, I told her I don't want sex, I wanted something else. I got up and kissed Jess on her forehead, and walked out of the room.


There's something about Jay, he makes me feel comfortable. It feels like I've been knowing him for decades. Maybe Tia was right he's a perfect combination for me. I got fully dressed and walked across to his room, you mind if I stay here tonight I asked, I only have afternoon classes tomorrow. "No I don't mind" Jay replied. Thanks, I turned around and starting walking back to the guess room and I heard Jay ask where I was going um to the guess room, he looked at me crazy and said "girl if you don't get yo ass in here with me." I giggled okay Jay. I got up in his big bed with him and he flipped through the tv moments later we were laid up talking he asked me about any of my ex's. I sighed well 6 months ago Me and my ex Ky.. Kyrynn had broken up because he moved away,   I was so attached to him maybe because he was my only boyfriend and that I lost my virginity to him, just afraid of him. I whispered. "What do you mean afraid of him" Jay answered, did I just say that out loud. "Yeah you did" Jay replied, "Did he ever hurt you?" Jay asked I had a lump in my throat I was in shock I couldn't speak I just sat there for a while debating on whether or not I wanted to tell Jay the truth, Tia only knows what I told her. Jay rubbed my back as a sat up before I could talk I was crying. Yes he used to hurt me, I said having trouble getting my words out. Tia blocked him on my Facebook. I'm scared he's going to find a way to hurt me again, that's why I asked to stay here. I'm afraid to be alone I have nightmares about him. I'm not in love with him I yelled I'm afraid of him! Jay staring into space as if he weren't listening when I finished talking he looked at me and kissed my forehead. "You and tia can move in here. I'll keep you safe you don't ever I mean ever worry about dude ass again." He got up and grabbed his keys and phone,
Wait Jay where are you going? I still want to talk I said letting out a relief sigh I've been holding a lot in it feels good talking to you.
He came back and laid down with his head on my legs and his feet hanging off the bed.
"Finish baby girl" he said. There was a baby. "You had a baby?" Jay said confused. No he killed her, it was a girl. I was barley showing but I was 4 months, the way the baby was positioned they were able to determined the sex. My parents don't know, not even Tia he pushed my down a flight of stairs at the mall and left me there. He made me walk all the back to his house he took my car. "Man this is pissing me off" Jay sat up I could tell there was a vein popping out of his forehead. Calm down I just want to tell someone I've been holding this in for so long. It feels good to know that someone is listening. Jay laid back down and asked me why he moved away, he said he got caught up with some type of gun case. So he went back to Arizona. I'm glad but he told me he'd be back for me and that I.. I belonged to him. I said while whipping my tears. Jay handed me a Kleenex, "naw dude not coming back I bet you that much. Is that all you want to tell me baby girl?" Jay asked curiously. Yes that's all I grinned looking at my nails. He asked me if I wanted anything to eat. Wing stop? I suggested "no problem" he replied. "I'll be right back Jess."


The shit Jess just told me broke my heart man any nigga that puts his hand on a female is a bitch Period I yelled through the phone at Carl, "what you mean dude? That nigga hit her too?" He said confusedly yeah man I replied. Yeah dude ain't gone see daylight again. When you coming home? I asked Carl I told her that she and Tia can move in with us if she wanted she said she's terrified of the Nigga. "Tia and I will be at the house 30 mins we'll talk." Ay man I'm picking up Jess and I some wing stop, what y'all want? He gave me his request and met each other at the house.

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