Chapter 32

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Narration POV

Justin is now, two years old and Shayce is three years old. The baby boy Jaalyn is now a year old.
Jessika and Jayceon are not together but they are really close friends. They actually live right next door to each other. They decided it would be best for the kids.
They are now living in Miami Florida. Jayceon decided to leave his drug business alone and let his boy blac take over. Zeek comes to visit whenever he can. Soon he's going to relocate to Florida as well since he has no family back in Arkansas.

Jess POV

"Shayce come down for dinner"
I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
I heard her little feet running down the stairs. She jumped up at the table and waited for me to sit. "Where's the boys?, and isn't dad coming over for dinner?" She asked me with confusion in her face. Before I could answer the door opened and in came the boys. Ahh!! I yelled before they sat down. Go wash your hand all of you. They did so and returned back to the table. Shay say grace please. I asked. "Dear God thank you for my perfect family and this food amen" she said then we all dug in. "These pork chops are fantastic" Jay said while licking his fingers I shook my head at him. Man I love this man but us together isn't just going to work. He's becoming a better man, he doing everything to win me back and I appreciate it but I want him to do it for himself and his kids. Not me.
The kids we're done eating and they went upstairs to do God knows what. Jayceon helped me clean the dishes. He came from behind me and kissed my neck. "I love you Jessika" I grinned at him I love you too jay. "Can I spend the night? It's boring sleeping without you" he said with puppy dog eyes. Jayceon you know I don't care about you staying with me. "Well why can't I just sell my house and move in?" I let out a deep sigh, I don't know Jayceon I mean we're doing so well as just friends ya know? I said avoiding eye contact. Jay just walked out of the house without saying a word to me. He slammed the door shut.


Jays POV

"So how'd it go?" Carl said through the phone. I'm about to be done trying with your sister man she's being selfish I can't believe I've been bettering myself for us and she's not even going to give us a another go. I know I fuck Up sometimes but damn so does she. That's what makes us perfect for each other our imperfections. She's cheated, I cheated blah blah life went on. I left my boys and the business behind. Even though you can never fully get out of the game at least I'm not in as deep as I was before. I don't know what else to do I spat through the phone at Carl. "Just keep on pushing bro, I'll talk to Jessika you have to continue to press on whether or not she wants to be with you. Y'all co parenting skills are fantastic. I still have hope for y'all bro she wouldn't be putting up with your annoying ass just for the hell of it" Carl said backed and we both laughed. Alright I'll hit you later I said to him before hanging up.

I decided to head back over to Jess house after what happened last night I know she's probably lost on why I reacted the way I did.
I walked in and her and the kids we're on the couch watching Toy story. I tapped her and got her attention to follow me up stairs. "Is everything okay Jayceon?" I sighed before answering her. No jess it isn't I sat down on the bed and dreaded on pouring my heart out to her. "Jessika I love you you and my kids are the reason I'm happy to wake up in the morning, I hate not waking up to your face and smelling your morning breath. I hate not being able to call you mines, or my wife. We're still young yes I know but I wouldn't want to grow old with anyone else but you." By this time I'm almost crying and so was she. I paused to gather my thoughts together because I couldn't believe I was crying over a woman, a woman that I'm in love with.
Jess what keeping us from each other? Please tell me what am I'm doing wrong? She looked up at me. "Jay it's not you, it's.. me" what do you mean jess your everything I need and want! She started breathing heavily and I helped her sit down on the bed. What's the matter baby? I asked her she began to cry. "Their back, it's happening again jay" I was clueless for a moment until she grabbed a pill bottle and flipped the cap open and took two out to take. Your anxiety attacks are happening again babe? She closed her eyes and shook her head yes. Jess you don't ever have to be afraid to tell me those things. "I know that jay, I wish you could tell anxiety that." She sort of kind of joked. "I just wanted to be well again without all the medication. I didn't want you to see me like this I feel like I'm a little too needy for a boyfriend" I stared at her for a long time. Then I finally kissed her. I trailed her body with kisses until I reached her thighs. I opened her legs and played with her cat for a while. I then opened her legs wider and got to eating like it was my last meal. Jess moan my name softly. Once she reached her climax I cleaned it up with my tongue and laid next to her with my arms wrapped tightly around her. "I Love you jay", she said softly . I love you more Jessika. I replied back before we both dozed off. Before I knew it I felt the bed being weighed down I opened my eyes to see our kids deciding to come and nap with us. Shayce was under me and the boys were at the foot of the bed. I smiled knowing that I have my girl back.


I woke up to knocking on the door I got up and ran to the door, I looked through the peephole and of course look who's here. "Hug me brother" he yelled in his drake and josh voice.

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