Chapter One

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*Picture is of Danny*

I can practically hear the clock ticking from across the room, it's so quiet. Everyone is so concentrated on the test worth half our grade, they don't have time to chat. It's kind of funny. If they would have just studied for two hours all week just like me, they would have known all the answers. "Times up. Pass up your tests," Mrs. Ross says.

"Yo, gay boy. What's the answer to the last question?" Larry whispers. I ignore him and he groans. "Come on. Be useful for once in your miserable life." I shrug and he glares daggers at me while passing his test up.

The bell rings and I walk out of the classroom. Larry walks by me and shoves me so hard I fall into the lockers. "That's going to leave a mark," I mumble as I rub my shoulder. Larry laughs and flips me off before walking away.

"Hey, faggot, you're in my way," Tyler says. I look up and see I'm laying in front of his locker.

"Sorry," I mumble and get up to go to my locker. After I put my stuff away, I walk out of the school and start walking home. I feel my phone vibrate and I get it out to check it. I see that it's a Facebook notification. I stop and unlock my phone. It's a video that Ashton Blake, this random famous guy I follow, just posted. I hit play and watch it.

"Hey, guys! Ashton here. I just want to let you know that I'm doing a meet and greet in Meadowtown on Saturday. Hope to see you guys there!" I feel myself smile and start to squeal. I live an hour away from Meadowtown! I can finally meet him! I can finally learn what's so different about us! He's gay, too, but he's famous for it. Also, he seems pretty nice. It'd be cool to know another gay person. I just hope I can go. 

I walk the rest of the way home and go inside my house. My parents aren't accepting of me, but my sister is. "Hey, Danny," Melany says. 

"Hey, I have a big favor to ask you," I say. 


"Can I borrow your car this Saturday to go to Meadowtown?" Melany looks at me confused but then smirks. 

"Why? Meeting a boy?" she jokes. 

"Well, sort of," I mumble. 

"Wait, really? Who?" 

I sigh and say, "Ashton Blake is doing a meet and greet."

"That famous gay guy? Dude, I know you think he's cool and all, but I don't think you should meet him. People like him are always so conceited and rude."

"Please! I need to go! I just want to know what makes us so different! How come he gets praised for being gay and I have to go through hell?" I say and look down. Melany bites her lip and crosses her arms. 

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," she mumbles.

"He's not like that. He's always posting so many inspiring things to help the LGBTQ+ community. Besides, I don't want to go to fanboy over him. Just to see what makes us so different."

"How old is he?" she asks. 

"Nineteen I believe," I say. She nods and hands me her keys. 

"Well, you're sixteen. You have time to become a famous face in the gay community, too."

"Very funny," I say and spin the keys around my finger. She shrugs and starts to walk into the kitchen. 

"I wasn't joking. Now go tell your online friends that you'll be meeting your idol in two days."

"He's not my idol!" I say and I run upstairs and grab my laptop. I don't have any friends where I live because of my sexuality, so I decided to join a chat room to make some friends. Well, three people messaged me outside of the chat room and we've been friends ever since. 

 I log into my account and smile when I see that Jackie is online. 

Danny: Jackie, guess what!

Jackie: What??

Danny: I get to meet Ashton Blake! 

Jackie: Dude, that's so amazing! Tell me what he's like when you do!

Danny: Will do!

Jackie: I have to sign off. My bro needs to use the computer. 

Danny: Bye!

Jackie logs off and I log off myself after seeing no one else is online. I decide to check Ashton's social media to see if he posted anything new. There's a new video on his Instagram.

"Ashton here again! Guys, the meet and greet has to be tomorrow on Friday. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but my schedule just got messed up. Hope to still see you there!"

I feel my heart stop and I bite my lip. Mom and Dad hate me. They'll never let me skip school to see some random famous guy. Maybe I can skip without them knowing. I'll have to think of something, because if I don't then I might miss the one chance to find out why I'm hated for sexuality and he's loved for it. 

"Danny, dinner!" Melany yells. I run downstairs and see Mom and Dad sitting at the dinner table. 

"Danny, how did you do on your test today?" Melany asks, knowing I aced it. She's trying to show Mom and Dad how much of a good son I am despite me being gay. 

"I aced it," I say.

"Where did you get that bruise?" Dad asks. I look at my shoulder and bite my lip. 

"I got shoved into the lockers today."

"Probably deserved it," Mom mumbles, but I still hear it. 

"Yeah. . .I guess I did," I whisper and stare at the food in front of me. 

"Mom! That's enough!" Melany says.

"Melany, you yell at me again and you'll be grounded!" Mom yells. 

Melany sits back in her seat with a scowl on her face. I know she wants to defend herself, but she doesn't want her car to be taken away.

"I have homework to do. I'm gonna go," I say and get up. No one stops me as I walk to my room and shut my door. After biting my lip so hard it starts to bleed, I feel tears trail down my cheeks as Mom's words replay in my mind. 

"Why can't I be more like Ashton?" I mumble and sit down on my bed. I just want to know what makes us so damn different. 

*Hello, this is my first story. I hope you like the first chapter. Please give me some feedback on what you like and dislike. Votes and comments are always nice. Thank you! c:*

Famously Gay (Boyxboy) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now