Chapter Seventeen

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(Danny's P.O.V.)

As soon as Ashton wraps his arms around me, I grab his shirt and start to cry into his shoulder. He rocks us back and forth to try to calm me down. "It's going to be okay, Danny," he says and I start to cry harder. "Let's go inside, okay?" Ashton unwraps his arms from me and guides me into the house. He sits us down on the couch and rubs my back as I try to breathe, but it just comes out as wheezes. 

"I can't breathe," I sob. 

"You're having a panic attack. Try to calm down. Take deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth." I do as he says and after a few minutes, I feel my breathing getting better. "That's it. Do you feel better?" he asks. I shake my head no. "Let me rephrase that. Do you physically feel better?" 

"Y-Yes," I say, but my voice is hoarse from crying so hard. 

"I'll be right back. I'm going to make you a drink," Ashton says and I nod. He gets up and walks into what I'm assuming is the kitchen. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my head into them. I'm shaking so bad and my throat hurts. 

After a few minutes, I hear Ashton coming back so I look up and see him holding a mug. "What's that?" I ask. 

"It's some hot chocolate. Hot drinks help with panic attacks as long as they're not caffeinated." He hands me the mug and I take a small sip of it. 

"Thank you," I say. Ashton sits down next to me and I put the mug on a coaster on the table. "Why are you being so nice to me? I was so awful to you. Even when you tried to apologize." 

He shrugs and says, "I don't blame you for being so rude to me. I destroyed your life. If someone would have done that to me then I wouldn't listen to what they have to say either." 

"I still should have listened. Why did you do that to me anyway?" 

Ashton runs his hand through his hair before saying, "After Ace tore my heart to shreds, I decided that it can't get broken again if I don't have one. I couldn't trust anyone. If Ace could be so sweet and caring one minute, but be the cause of my bruises and pain the next then anyone can."

I take a drink of the hot chocolate and ask, "How long did you stay with him?" 

Ashton snorts and mumbles, "You'll think I'm crazy, but we dated for six months. He would hit me and verbally abuse me throughout all of it. You want to know the worst part?" I nod. "He was the one to end it. After everything he put me through, I was still too stupid to end it on my own."

After everything that happened between Ashton and me, I would have never thought I would see him cry. He always acts so arrogantly as if he's on top of the world and no one can push him off. But in reality, he's so broken and scared.

I see a tear running down his face and I take my thumb and wipe it away. Ashton looks at me and chuckles humorlessly.  "You must think I'm a joke." I shake my head no. 

"Why would I? I fell for the same thing you did. I probably would still be with him right now if you hadn't warned me." Ashton wipes his eyes and looks away from me. 

"Remember the day we first met?" he asks. 

"How could I not?" 

"Well, I didn't mean it when I said you shouldn't be yourself. You have a great personality and I was just mad. Actually, I guess you can say I was jealous."  

I look at him confused and ask, "Why?"

"I could never be myself. I was so scared that if people saw the real me then they would use me. I said I never took shit from anyone, but as you now know it was a lie.  Also, your rainbow beanie was cute. I was just being an ass," he says and I feel myself smile. 

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. I  just can't believe you were jealous of me. You're like a god in the LGBTQ+ community. I'm just a nobody. The only friends I have are my online ones."  

"Danny, you're awesome. You may not feel like it, but trust me when I say you are. Besides, I bet everyone hates me now that I posted that video. I don't regret it, but I'll need to find a new source of income if I want to keep Bane and me alive," he says. 

"Bane? Who's that?" 

"He's my Pit Bull. I adopted him so he wouldn't get euthanized."

"Why was he being euthanized?" I ask. 

"He was in a terrible home. His last owners, if you can call them that, abused him to the point of almost killing him. He's terrified of people, loud noises, and most dogs. I've been working with him for six months so far. When I first saw him he wouldn't let me touch him. He would shake terribly and even pee from being so scared," he says. 

"That's awful. I hope those people rot in hell." Ashton nods in agreement. "I don't think your life is going to change much. I didn't watch or read the comments on the video yet, but two girls were talking about it and said they will still support you," I say. 

Ashton gets his phone and turns it on. It starts vibrating like crazy from all the notifications. "You're right. Most of my followers are still supporting me. Why though?" he asks as he scrolls through the comments. 

"Because everyone deserves a chance to change. You've shown them that you want to change and make things right, which you have." Ashton shakes his head and puts his phone down.

"I don't think I have. I know there's more I need to do," he says. "I'll walk you home. I need a day or two to get some things together, but I'm going to fix everything I broke in your life."

"I don't really have a home. I'm pretty sure Cindy hates me. I was such an ass trying to defend Ace." I look down and sigh. 

"Cindy seems like an understanding person. Why don't we go talk to her?" I nod and get up. "Let me check on Bane real quick," he says and walks into the kitchen. He comes back into the living room and I follow him out the front door so we can walk to Cindy's. 

*Here's Chapter Seventeen! If you haven't seen it already, check out the trailer I made for this story! You can find it on YouTube or watch it on here. It's right before Chapter One. Please vote, comment, and share this story. It's in the #Wattys2017 so that will really help me out. Thanks! c:*

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