Chapter Four

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As soon as we made it to the hotel, I follow Ashton up to his suite and he let me in. His bodyguards went to their separate rooms and I sat down in a chair. "So, I said earlier that we're going to talk," Ashton says. 

"Why should I talk to you? You just ruined everything I had left," I say and he bites his lip. 

"I was a complete and total asshole back at the meet and greet. I'm just so used to people telling me their sob stories and then using me for money or fame. I was so tired of it that I treated you so bad without realizing what I was doing." 

I look at him with a bored look and say, "Blah, blah, blah. Are you done?" He nods. "You expect me to believe that horse shit? Just admit that you're a conceited asshole who needed a wake-up call."

"Okay, so maybe I am a little stuck-up. But what do you expect? I've been handed all this money and fame for free, so of course I'm going to get a bit self-centered. I shouldn't have let that get in the way of my attitude towards my fans, though." 

I laugh bitterly and say, "If you still think I'm a fan of yours after thing, you're dead wrong. You ruined everything!"

Ashton looks annoyed as he yells, "What exactly did I ruin, huh?! You had nothing before, and you have nothing now! Just get the hell over yourself and accept the fact that I didn't mess up anything that wasn't already messed before!" I glare at him and shake my head.

  "I'm out of here," I say and he laughs. 

"And where are you going to go? Are you going to hitchhike and get killed by some creep?" 

"Hopefully," I mumble and go to reach for the door but he grabs me. 

"Wait, what did you just say?" 

"I didn't say anything. Get off of me." He stops glaring at me and looks at my cheek, probably because there's a bruise forming from him punching me and my mother slapping me. 

"You said hopefully. Why did you say that?" he asks. 

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream, but my words come out more as sobs. 

"No! You just said you want to be killed! Why would you say something so ridiculous?"

"You think it's ridiculous?! I have no parents! I have no friends! The one person who I looked up to called me fucking stupid and lame! Let's not forget that the wrong child died! Oh, but I bring it on myself! It's all my fucking fault!" I yell and he begins to look guilty. 

"What do you mean the wrong child died?" he asks. 

"Forget it. You don't need to know. You'll probably pin that on me, too," I say, "I'm out of here." I wipe my face and walk to the door but then stop. "I have no idea where I'm at."

Ashton sighs and says, "Just stay the night and I'll take you home in the morning," he says. 

"There's only one bed," I mumble and he shrugs. 

"I see a couch and two chairs to choose from."

"Are you that much of an ass that you're going to make me sleep on the hard couch while you get a king sized bed?" I say while turning around. He groans and runs his hand through his hair. 

 "Fine. Sleep the opposite way as me," he says and gets in the bed. I grab a pillow and put at the end of the bed so my head can be where his feet are. "You know, if you weren't so dramatic you'd actually be pretty cute," he mumbles. I know he didn't mean for me to hear it, and I'm kind of mad that he called me dramatic, but it still makes me smile a bit. 

"You know, if you weren't so big of a dick, you'd actually be kind of hot," I mumble back. I hear him snort and he rolls over. I do the same the opposite way and do my best to fall asleep. 

I wake up to Ashton coming out of the bathroom with no shirt on. He's brushing his teeth and looking at his phone. I blush a deep red and look away quickly. "Oh, didn't think you'd be up for another hour or so," he says and chuckles. 

"I'm an early bird," I mumble, trying to ignore his tattooed chest and abs. I've seen them in pictures, but it's kind of awkward in person. 

"Listen, I want to apologize, and I mean for real this time, for everything that happened yesterday. I shouldn't have said all that stuff, and I definitely shouldn't have said you wanting to die was ridiculous. Especially since I'm part of the reason. I don't know what's it's like to be in your shoes, so I shouldn't be so quick to judge. It's your choice to accept this apology and let us start over, but I wouldn't. So I understand if you don't." 

I stare at him in shock and say, "Thanks . . . If you really mean it then show me. We can start over if you want. And please just forget about the wanting to die thing. I was just upset and overwhelmed with everything that happened." He puts out his hand and I take it. He shakes it and I look at him confused. 

"I'm Ashton. What's your name?" he says with a grin on his face. 

"I'm Danny."

"Nice to meet you, Danny. Would you like to go to breakfast with me?"  

"I would like that," I say with a smile. 

"Great. You can borrow some clothes if you'd like."

"Thank you," I say and he hands me a black and blue striped shirt that's too big, a pair of new that he just got out of the package, and some sweatpants. I change in the bathroom and after he lets me charge my phone with his charger. 

I know I shouldn't have accepted his apology, but I feel he was being sincere. If he wasn't, well then I guess I'll just have to accept the consequences. 

I grab my stuff once my phone is charged and follow him downstairs to the lobby. "Hey, Danny?" he asks. 

"Yeah?" We're waiting for Sam and Adam.

"Who's Mitch?" he asks. 

"What?" I ask as my heart stops. 

"You mumbled his name in your sleep last night and it sounded like you were crying." 

"No one," I say and he nods slowly. 

"Okay, I understand," he says and smiles. Sam and Adam pull the car around and we get in. I hope this breakfast goes well. 

*Wow, I hope you like this third update in a row. I don't know if you'll like this chapter but hopefully, you do! Please comment your likes and dislikes. Votes make me smile! Thanks! Bye! c:*

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