Chapter Five

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Ashton and I are sitting in some fancy restaurant I didn't even know Meadowtown had. It's so awkward being here with his bodyguards staring me down as if I'm going to snap at Ashton at any moment. "Sam and Adam, give us some privacy," Ashton says as if reading my mind. They get up and move to a different table. 

"Why do you have bodyguards? Are you that famous?" I ask. 

He chuckles and says, "I guess. My manager hired them when I was jumped at a meet and greet down in Las Vegas." 

"Oh," I mumble.

"It's all good, though. So, what do you want to eat?" 

"Um, I don't have enough money for any of this," I say embarrassed. 

"Who said you had to pay? This is my treat." I nod and look at the menu. I try to find the cheapest thing and see a fruit salad with yogurt is only fifteen dollars. Well, that's cheaper than thirty. 

"Good morning! What will you guys have today?" a waitress asks. 

"I'll have the steak and waffles with a coffee," Ashton says.

"Um, fruit salad with a yogurt and a smoothie," I say and Ashton laughs a bit when the waitress walks away. 

"You like fruit?"

"I just didn't want to spend a lot of money. And yes, I do like fruit," I say and he rolls his eyes. 

"Don't worry about the money. I owe you something after yesterday."

"Well, let's just forget about it for now," I mumble and look away. I hate feeling uncomfortable. 

"Okay. I hope everything works out once I drop you off. I have a flight back to my city in twelve hours, so I probably won't ever see you again." I don't know why, but I actually feel like I'm going to miss him. After everything this asshole did to me, he's nice to me for an hour and I'm already attached.

"Thanks," I say, "You're not as big of a douche bag as I thought."

"Well, what can I say? I'm bad at first impressions but better at fixing them," he jokes. I laugh a bit and look down at my napkin. "Danny, I know you said not to bring it up, but I have to ask . . . Do you really want to die?" 

I think about it and rub the back of my neck nervously. "Look, I don't want to make it seem like I'm some depressed kid. I'm not. I've just had some depressing things happen in my life. My mom told me she wants me dead yesterday. It gets to me that she thinks that, and sometimes I think everyone would be better off if I was. But I don't want to kill myself. No, I would never do that. Like you said, it's ridiculous." 

Ashton shakes his head and says, "Please don't believe what I said. I said I was sorry for saying that. I may not understand you, but I shouldn't say things like that."

"What made you change?" I ask, "You were a huge ass when I went to bed, but when I wake up you're a completely different person."

"Let's just say some old memories popped up. I don't want things to turn out the same way," he says and I look at him confused. 

"What memories?" 

He picks at his nails and says, "If I tell you my history, you have to tell me yours." I bite my lip and think about it. 


"Who's Mitch?" he asks. The waitress comes by with our food and we thank her. 

"My older brother who died in a motorcycle accident a year ago." 

"I'm sorry for your loss," he mumbles and looks at me sympathetically. 

"Thank you. What about you? What memory made you change?" I ask and take a bite of my yogurt. 

"A year ago, same as you, I had a fan. He was also gay and lived a hard life. His family disowned him, he had no friends, and he actually ended up homeless. He came to one of my meet and greets and asked for a hug," Ashton says with a sad look, "All he wanted was a hug . . . that's it. But, me being the stupid, stuck-up asshole I am, denied it because I didn't want the dirt on his shirt to get on me. I didn't know he was homeless and tried to clean up the best he could . . . so when I denied it, he looked so crushed. I didn't care, though. I thought I was better than him. He told me he just needed a hug to keep on going. I laughed in his face. I told him he was an idiot for expecting some stranger's hug to help anything." 

"You don't have to-" he cuts me off. 

"That's when he called me an ass, said he was going to do what needed to be done, and left. I never heard from him again until I got an email. It wasn't just an email, it was the kid's suicide note. He wrote me telling me he wouldn't ruin my reputation by exposing my bad attitude and what I said. He then said he hopes I could learn from this and stop being so stuck-up. I don't know if he ever went through with the suicide, or if he was somehow saved." 

I stare at Ashton, who has tears in his eyes and is picking at his food. I spit out the piece of pineapple into my napkin, feeling sick to my stomach. "I'm so sorry," I say. 

"Don't be sorry. It's my fault. I caused someone to kill their self and I didn't even learn from it. Yeah, I stopped posting for a bit to try and get my thoughts together, but look at what I did to you yesterday. I just forgot about the kid who I don't even know the name of and treated you the same way. I obviously let fame get to my head." I don't say anything for a few moments. 

"Where was this at?" I ask. 

"What? The thing with the kid? Here in Meadowtown. That's another reason why I couldn't let history repeat itself." I nod and he calls for the check. "Well, I think it's time we get you home." 

"Okay," I mumble and he pays for our food. We get in the car and I tell him the way to my house. Once there, he pulls a bag out from under the seat of the car and hands it to me. 

"Here," he says and I open it. I smile when I pull out a rainbow beanie. "I felt bad for making you throw away your other one, so I bought that one earlier in the morning while you were asleep."

"Thanks," I say with a grin and he smiles at me. 

"Well, good luck." I thank him and get out of the car. I take a deep breath and walk into my house.

*Is it bad that I updated four times today? Is that too much? I don't know. I'm new to this writing thing. Anyways, what do you think of the past of Ashton? Is it too much? Please tell me if you like it or not! Votes make me smile! Thanks! c:*

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