Chapter Seven

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(Danny's P.O.V)

It was a long ride. Took four buses and a lot of courage, but I finally made it to Cindy's house. I'm standing outside of it right now with my duffel bag. I feel nervous. This is my first time meeting one of my online friends. 

I take a deep breath and walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. "Danny! Oh, my gosh! I'm so happy you came!" Cindy says as she pulls me into a hug. 

"Thanks for letting me stay here. It means so much to me." She pulls back and shakes her head. 

"It's no trouble at all. Come in!" she says and steps aside to let me in. Her house is cute. She's an artist, so she has paintings hanging around everywhere. I hear barking and my eyes widen when a Yellow Lab runs and jumps on me. He knocks me down, but I don't mind. I just laugh as he licks my face and Cindy pulls him off of me. 

"No! Bad boy, Brad!" she says and helps me up. 

"It's fine. I love dogs. You named your dog Brad?" I ask and she giggles. 

"Yeah, random name, but he looks like a Brad to me. Anyways, can I get you anything to eat or drink?" I think about it. I would usually say no, but I haven't had anything to eat for twelve hours. 

"Something to eat would be great if you don't mind." 

"Nonsense, I don't mind at all. Follow me and I'll settle you into your room," she says and I follow her down a hallway. She opens the door and I put my stuff on the bed and smile. 

"This is awesome, thanks. Oh, and I don't have a lot of money right now, but I'm going to get a job so I can pay rent," I say and she waves her hand around. 

"Danny, that's sweet, but I don't want you to pay rent. Just think of this as us hanging out." I know arguing is pointless, so I just nod. "Good, now you unpack and we'll go out to eat." 

I unpack my clothes and put my phone on charge since it's dead. After I turn it on, I see I have a few notifications about Ashton posting a video on a couple of his social medias. I sit down on my bed and tap play. "Hey, guys! Ashton here! Well, as you've guys obviously heard since you won't stop asking about it, I got arrested. You keep saying I beat up one of my fans. Well, let me tell you what really happened. He decided to harass me and try to blame all his home life problems on me. How is it my fault when we've never even met? Am I right? Well, we ran into each other later and he tried to punch me because I was defending myself about not being the cause of his problems. I got a little angry and we did end up having a small fight, nothing big. We BOTH got arrested. Not just me. He was picked up later and I was, too, since I was bailed out. We never saw each other again. Now, would you call that beating up a fan? I don't. But whatever. I'm over it. Bye, guys, thanks for listening."

I can feel my jaw hanging open in shock. He . . . he lied. After everything he did for me, he goes back to being an arrogant asshole. Everything he said in that video was a lie. He made it out to seem like I'm the one who started the fight and that it was all my fault. How could he do that?!

"Danny? You alright?" Cindy asks as she walks back into my new room. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie. Cindy gives me a knowing look and I sigh. "Okay, so I'm not fine." 

"What happened? Does it have to do with your family?"

"No. Do you remember the story I told you while I was on the bus about Ashton?" I ask and she nods. "Well, I was wrong when I said he changed. He just posted a video lying about the whole situation and blaming me for everything." 

"Oh, Danny. I'm sorry. Don't let him get to you. He's not worth your time." 

"You're right," I say. 

"Good, now let's get some food and we can talk," Cindy says and I smile. We go out to her car and get in. She drives us to a local Mexican restaurant and we walk inside to be seated. 

"So, how is your art doing?" I ask as we sit down in a booth. 

"Great! My pieces are selling and I'm getting more requests these days. It's amazing," she says. 

"I'm happy for you. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I would love to be a teacher, but I don't know how when I just dropped out of school," I say. 

"Well, how about you get enrolled in school out here? Danny, a genius like you needs to be able to teach and inspire kids." I bite my lip and think about it. 

"I was thinking about getting my GED and going to a community college." The waitress walks up to us and takes our drink orders before leaving. 

"That's a good plan! We'll look up more about it whenever we go back home," she says.  "By the way, I know how closed minded your old town was, so I wanted to tell you that it's different here. Most people don't care about your sexuality. Yes, we still have the occasional close minded idiot, but it's rare." 

I smile and say, "That's a relief." I take a sip of my ice water, but almost spit it out when I see Adam walk through the door. No. This can't be happening!

"Are you okay?" Cindy asks. 

"F-Fine. I have to go to the bathroom," I say and run to the bathroom in the back. I go into a stall and lock it before putting my face in my hands and sighing. "I feel like I'm going to have a fucking panic attack," I mumble to myself. 

If Adam is here then that means Ashton lives here. Oh, God. I can't believe it. The asshole that made my life fall apart and lied about it is going to run into me at some point. 

I'm such an idiot! Why did I think that all my problems would be fixed by running away? Nothing ever goes right for me. 

"Hello?" someone says as I hear the bathroom door open. I stay completely still and don't breathe. "I know you're in here."

"What do you want?" I whisper. My hearts pounding so hard it feels like it's going to fly out of my chest. 

"Just come out of the stall." I bite my lip and unlock the door. I see Adam standing there once I open the door. "So, it is you. What are you doing here?"

"Why do you want to know? So Ashton can find out and make another video saying I'm blaming my problems on him?" 

"No, I hate that Ashton made that stupid video. I thought he had changed, but I was wrong. We all were. I don't agree with his actions one bit."

"Good, because of him I got kicked out of my house. Hell, I'm never going to see my sister again because of him. My dreams are dead because of him. Every shitty thing that happened to me in the past two days is because of him!" I say and Adam sighs. 

"I know apologies won't help, but I am very sorry. I hope everything works out. If I see you while I'm with Ashton, then I'll make sure he doesn't notice you. I don't want him being a dick and making worse," he says. 

"No. I want to see him. I want to make sure he knows the damage he's caused. I don't care if he makes another stupid video. I just want him to see just because he has a perfect life doesn't mean you can mess with others' lives as well." 

Adam nods and puts his hand on the door before saying, "Good luck." He walks out and I look at myself in the mirror. 

I have bags under my eyes and I'm kind of pale from how stressed I've been. I splash some cold water on my face and then sigh before walking out of the bathroom. 

*So, I'm back! I had to go off Wattpad for a while, but I should be updating more regularly! I hope you like this chapter. Tell me what you think! Votes and comments make me smile! Thanks! c:*

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