Chapter Eleven

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*Picture is of Ace* 

(Danny's P.O.V.)

Cindy had to go work on a mural she's doing in someone's house, so I decided to go get a lemonade at this smoothie and juice place. Cindy told me they make the best lemonade. 

After walking around for a bit to find it, I go inside and see a boy wiping the counter. To be honest, he's pretty hot. He has a bad boy look to him. "Hi, are you guys open?" I ask. I'm the only one in here other than him. 

He looks up at me and smiles before saying, "Yes, it's just a slow day today. What can I get you?"

"A medium lemonade with extra ice." He nods and starts to make it. 

"So, you new around here? I've never seen you before," he says. 

"Yes, I just got here like two days ago." He hands me my drink and tells me what I owe him.

"Well, I'm Ace." He puts his hand out and I shake it. 

"I'm Danny. Nice to meet you." 

"Same to you," he replies. "Hey, I know this is a little forward, but would you like to hang out sometime?" 

I smile and say, "Sure, that sounds great."

"Awesome, here's my number. Call me whenever you'd like to plan something. I get off in about a half an hour." 

"Will do. I'll talk to you later," I say and walk outside. I look at the receipt he gave me with his phone number on it and put it in my pocket. I take a sip of the lemonade and sigh contently. Cindy was right about the lemonade. I walk around for a bit longer to pass the time. 

It's been about forty-five minutes since I met Ace. I think it's been long enough to wait to call. I take the receipt out of my pocket and dial his number. "Hello?" Ace says once he answers.

"Ace? It's Danny."'

"Oh, hey! I'm happy you called. I thought I scared you off," he says and chuckles. 

I laugh and say, "No, not yet at least." He laughs and I feel myself blush. "I was wondering if you would like to hang out." 

"Sure, name a place and I'll be there." 

"How about Jerry's Arcade?" I ask. Cindy also told me about there, too.

"See you in a few," he says and hangs up. I put my phone away and feel myself smile. Wait, is this a date? Is he even into guys? Or is this just two guys hanging out as soon to be friends? Whatever, I guess I'll see what happens. 

After walking to the arcade I see Ace waiting outside for me. "Hey," he says and smiles. 

"Hey, Ace. Ready to go inside?" I ask with a smile. He nods and we walk inside to the dark arcade. It has some neon lights so it's not totally dark. 

"How many tokens do you want?" he asks. 

"How much do they cost?" 

"Doesn't matter because I'm paying." 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Just call it a welcome to the city treat." I nod and he puts some money in a machine that dispenses the tokens. He hands me half and keeps the other half for himself. "So, Danny, how old are you?" he asks as we walk over to the games. 

"I'm sixteen." 

"I'm eighteen. What brought you to the city?" We stop at a basketball game and he puts in two tokens. 

"I had no other choice really," I say as he plays the game. 

"Why not?" I bite my lip and debate on telling him about my problems. 

"My parents kicked me out of the house for being gay and getting arrested," I mumble. He takes the tickets he won and puts them in his pocket. 

He turns to me and gives me his full attention and says, "That's awful. Parents are supposed to accept their child no matter what. I was so happy when I came out to my parents as bisexual that they didn't care."

I feel a lump in my throat and take a deep breath so I don't start crying. "Yeah, I know. It sucks. It would have never happened if I made different choices." 

Ace takes my hand and squeezes it before saying, "Let's get out of here. We can go somewhere quiet to talk. I can tell you have a lot you need to get off your chest." I smile and nod as he pulls me out of the arcade. With his hand still holding mine, he walks us to a small park. "I know we have just met, but I'm here for you. You can tell me whatever you're comfortable with." 

I nod slowly and say, "I was always careful with the choices I made. I didn't want to upset my parents. I already let them down by being gay and it didn't help that they blamed me for my brother's death. Well, when Ashton Blake said he was coming to my state I knew I needed to go. He seemed like the perfect person to help me through what I was going through. Or at least give me some advice. I took my sister's car with permission from her and skipped school. When I met him . . . he wasn't like anything I thought he would be. He was a huge arrogant jerk. He made fun of me. Told me I shouldn't be myself." I take a deep breath and try to calm down some. "I got arrested for fighting him when I saw him later that night. Then the next day he made me believe he had changed. We ate breakfast and then he took me home. That's when my parents kicked me out. Later on, he made a status lying about the whole thing."

Ace looks at me with pity and says, "That's so terrible. I'm here for you if you need anything. Also, Ashton is a pretty shitty person. He has no reason to be the way he is but still treats people like they're a joke. I've seen it myself. He was an ass to me when we met. Don't worry, Danny. I'll be here for you as long as you let me." 

I wipe my eyes and hug him while saying, "Thank you so much. It means the world to me." He pulls back and lifts my chin up.

"No problem. You're too nice and cute to have anything bad happen to you." I blush and laugh a bit. He hugs me again and we stay like that for awhile just enjoying each other's company. 

*So, what do you guys think about Ace? Like him? Hate him? Let me know! Also, I know I keep saying this but it would mean so much to me if you would vote, comment, and share since this is in the #Wattys2017. And it makes me smile c: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I think I found the song for the trailer. It's called 'Little Lion Man' by Mumford and Sons. Tell me what you think! Thanks!*

Famously Gay (Boyxboy) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now