Chapter Nine

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(Danny's P.O.V.) 

Cindy and I get out of her car and go into her house. I told her everything when I got back to the booth. She told me she will support any decision I make as long as it doesn't get me thrown in jail again. 

After we put our leftovers in the fridge, I yawn and stretch out my arms. "I think I'm going to take a nap. I didn't sleep on the bus, so I'm pretty tired," I say and Cindy nods. 

"Okay. Sleep well, Danny." I thank her and go to my room. I change into some pajamas and get into bed so I can fall asleep. 

"Danny! Danny, wake up!" I jump and sit up in bed to see Cindy shaking me. 

"Huh?" I mumble and she stops. 

"You were having a nightmare," she says and I bite my lip. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just have bad dreams sometimes. It's not big deal." 

"You're shaking," she says and I look down at my hands. "Was it about Mitch?" I've told her about Mitch whenever I was upset and needed someone to talk to. My parents always blamed me for his death and I couldn't really talk to Melany because she would get frustrated with me. I know she didn't mean anything by it. She was grieving and in pain. We all were. 

"That's all they're ever about," I say and run my hand through my hair. 

"I'm sorry, Danny. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I shake my head and get out of bed. 

"I'm okay.  How about we start researching the steps to getting a GED?" 

"Okay. I'll go get my laptop." Cindy goes and gets her laptop while I stay in bed. 

I can't believe the nightmares are starting again. Ashton said he could hear me saying Mitch's name in my sleep when I was back at the hotel. Now they're getting so bad that Cindy had to wake me up. I'm probably having them because of what my father said. He said I'm more dead to him than Mitch. I know he blames me. Both my parents do. 

It hurts that I'm never going to see Melany again, and it's all my fault. She said I shouldn't have gone to that stupid meet and greet. I didn't listen and now I have no family. I miss her. I miss Mitch. But there's nothing I can do about it. 

"Danny? Are you okay?" Cindy asks as she walks back into the room. 

"F-Fine," I say and realize I'm crying. 

"No, you're not. Talk to me." I bite my lip hard, but I feel more tears roll down my face. 

"I want my family," I cry and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I don't understand. I thought they were awful to you?"

"No," I choke out, "I mean my family that was always there for me. Melany and Mitch. It's my fault I'm in this situation and it's my fault Mitch is dead. I shouldn't be here today. Mitch was the best guy out there and he deserves a long life. Me? I'm just a stupid faggot who gets in trouble all the time." 

Cindy hugs me tighter and I feel her rub my back as I cry. "Danny, Mitch would want you to live the life you were given with your head held high. I know that for a fact. He loved you and Melany loves you. A lot of people do. I love you. I've known you for two years through a computer and I can see so much potential. You can't keep blaming yourself."

My cries come out hard and my throat burns, but I can't stop. I'm trying to calm down and it's just making it worse. I really want my sister. I just want to talk to her. But I tried calling her on the bus and it was sent to voicemail. Maybe she'll pick up this time. "I need to call Melany," I say and Cindy hands me my phone after letting me go. 

It rings a few times and then is cut short to voicemail. No . . . how could she just ignore me? Maybe she's trying to forget I ever existed. I would. I'm not worth remembering. Cindy hugs me again and she sits with me to let me cry.

(Ashton's P.O.V.)

While lying on the couch I hear a knock at my front door. I groan in annoyance and get up to answer it. "Oh. It's you," I say. 

May bites her lip before saying, "Ashton, I'm sorry for what I said, but you need to realize what you do to people isn't right." I sigh and roll my eyes. 

"There are people out there way worse than me." 

"Ash . . . you took a life. A boy killed himself because of you. He sent you a suicide note through a library computer because he didn't have a home to do it in. He needed help. He needed something- no, someone to give him a little hope. You let him down." I look away from her and take a deep breath. 

"It's not my fault some kid offed himself. I didn't pull the trigger," I say and she shakes her head. 

"But you practically handed him the gun." 

"We don't know if he's dead. He could have chickened out." I shrug and May looks at me in shock. 

"Chickened out? Really, Ash? You think that someone not killing themselves is chickening out? Ugh, I can't stand what you turned into!" she yells. 

"Don't yell! You're going to scare Bane," I say through gritted teeth. 

"Whatever, Ashton. I hope Karma teaches you a lesson because I sure as hell can't. Apparently, no one can." She walks to her car and drives off. 

She's wrong. I don't need to be taught a lesson. I was taught one two years ago and look what happened. 

I sigh and take out my phone. I take a picture of my arm where there are no tattoos and post it on all my social media with the caption 'Any suggestions on a new tattoo?' 

I immediately get some responses and likes. This should distract me from all the drama for a bit. 

*I know it's really short, but this chapter has been rewritten so many times and this is the best version in my opinion. It's pretty emotional I think. I hope you all enjoyed reading this! Also, I entered this in the #Wattys2017 so voting, commenting, and sharing would mean so much to me. Well, like I always say, votes and comments make me smile! Thanks! c:*

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