Chapter Eight

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*Picture is Bane*

(Ashton's P.O.V.)

"What took you so long? Your lunch break ended fifteen minutes ago," I say to Adam as he walks into the gym I'm at. 

Adam sits down on the bench next to me and says, "I saw someone I needed to talk to." 

"Who?" I ask and take a sip of my water. 

"Danny." I about spit out the water and choke a bit. 

"What?! What the hell is he doing here!?" 

Adam shrugs and says, "You'll figure out soon enough."

I glare at him and snort before saying, "Whatever. I'm going home. You and Sam can have the rest of the day off. I'm not going to do anything or go anywhere." I leave the gym and get into my car to drive back to my house.

After I arrive, I unlock my door and go inside. I see my Pit Bull in his bed sleeping and I go over to him. "Bane," I whisper so I don't scare him. He's been my dog for about six months. I have to be very gentle and quiet with him at first because his last owners abused him. I swear to god if I ever see those dicks I'm going to do to them exactly what they did to Bane. He's such a sweet dog. He didn't deserve the torture he was put through. No animal does.

Bane wakes up and I go to put my hand on his head. He flinches when I go to pet him and my heart breaks a little. "It's okay, Bane. You're fine. I'm not going to hurt you," I say and he calms down a bit. I pet him for a few minutes while talking to him before getting up and going to the kitchen. I make myself a quick snack of apples and peanut butter and then go to my living room to watch some TV. 

Bane comes to lay down at my feet and I smile. Well, at least he's beginning to trust me more. When Adam and Sam first saw me with Bane they couldn't believe it. I guess since I'm so harsh on people, they were just shocked at how caring and nice I am to animals. Animals are different than humans. They're innocent and will never leave you if you treat them right. Humans, on the other hand, are garbage and don't deserve my time. I admit I'm a little too harsh at times. But I don't want to waste time being nice when they're just going to take advantage of it.

I hear a knock at my door and Bane perks his head up. He starts to shake in fear and I place my hand on his head. "You're fine, Bane. Don't be scared." He gets up and goes into the kitchen to hide and I get up to answer the door. 

"Hey, Ash," my sister May says. She gives me a hug and I invite her inside. "Where's Bane?" 

"In the kitchen hiding," I say and she gives me a sad look. She's the one who insisted I get a dog. When we went to pick one out he was about to be put down because of what his past home turned him into. He may not be like most dogs, but he doesn't deserve to die just because he's traumatized. That's just as cruel as abusing him in my opinion. 

"I'm happy you're working with him, but that's not what I came over to talk about," she says and I roll my eyes. I know she saw my post that I made about me getting arrested.

"I got arrested. So what?" I ask and she smacks my arm. 

"Ashton, you're pretty famous to most people! Going to jail isn't a good example for the people who look up to you!" 

"I explained what happened. No one is going to think anything of it." 

She glares at me and says, "I know what you said is not what happened. You were probably being an arrogant asshole to them like always." 

I scoff and put my hand over my heart to pretend like I'm hurt. "How could you say that to your own brother?" I say and laugh.

She smacks me again, but this time harder before saying, "This isn't funny! You can't keep treating people like shit! Just because you got hurt doesn't mean it makes it okay for you to hurt other people." My smile drops and glare at her. 

"I told you not to talk about that." She crosses her arms and shakes her head. 

"Ashton, you know how it feels to be betrayed and hurt beyond repair. Why would you want to make others feel the same way?" 

I shut my eyes tightly and say, "Because! You can't get your heart broken if you don't have one! Now leave me the fuck alone and get out!" I yell and she glares again. 

"Whatever," she says and leaves out the front door. I sit down on my couch and take deep breaths to try to calm down. I hear a whimper and I look up to see Bane in the kitchen doorway with his head down and tail between his legs shaking. God, I scared him with my yelling. I need to be more careful. 

"Aw, Bane, come here," I say and I see him perk up a bit. I get up and walk over to him slowly so that he doesn't get startled. After letting him sniff my hand, he licks it and I smile. I sit down on the floor and pet his head. He lays down in my lap and I feel like jumping with joy. I'm so happy he trusts me enough to actually lay down on me. He's quite heavy and big, but I don't care. "Good boy, Bane. I'm so proud of you." He rolls over awkwardly while still on my lap to have is belly rubbed. I rub his belly until he falls asleep. 

As he sleeps, I think about what May said. She's wrong. I don't care what she thinks of me. There are worse people out there. If people think I'm bad then they won't make it in the real world. Trust me, I know. 

I shake my head and lean back against the wall to relax for a bit with Bane. 

*I'm sorry it's so short. It's supposed to help you see through Ashton's eyes a bit. Hopefully, you guys like it. If you don't then comment and tell me what about what you don't like so I can improve in the future! Also, I don't really approve of cropping ears unless for a medical reason, but I chose that dog because I think that could be another thing the previous owners did that Ash doesn't approve of. Anyways, votes and comments make me smile! Thanks! c:*

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