Dunk as a skunk

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A/N this contains sexual assault scenes again I'm not here to write joker fluff if your ok with reading this then ok.

Mercy's POV ( there still at the club)

"Harley, mercy it's time to go" J said with a drunken slur. "Ok Puddin " " mercy youuu are riding with me. "Sure" I got in the car not caring how fucked up J was. We started to drive. I was getting bored and started looking around and I noticed a bulge in J's pants. "Ah look see what you did to daddy." " J what the hell" he pulled over into a dark alley. He got out of the car and walked over to my side. He opened the door and forcefully pulled me out by my arm. "Ow J stop that hurts i still have bruises" " come on daddy needs some relief"J slurred. "Stop it J your drunk" he backed me into one of the walls and at this point I was freaking out and with out thinking I brought my knee up at full force and hit  him right in the jewels. He let out a roar of pain and fell to his knees. Seeing my opening to escape I sprinted out of the ally and didn't stop running until I knew he wasn't chasing me. "Shit where do I go know, BRUCE. He'll help me."  I made my way to Wayne's  building. I knocked on the door. " Bruce. Bruce!! It's me mercy. Let me in. The door opened and there he was at the door. "Mercy what happened to you" he said referring to my bruises and visible stitches on my face and arms. It's a long story I'll tell you once you let me in it's cold as hell outside. I told him everything while still keeping their names a secret cuz if I told him it was J Harley would be arrested too. " mercy you need to tell me there names" " I can't say that Bruce but for now can I sleep here until the guys hangover is done. Bruce let out a sigh as if to say that I shouldn't go back but finally said sure say as long as you need  thanks Bruce i walked into one of the many rooms in Bruce's home

 Bruce let out a sigh as if to say that I shouldn't go back but finally said sure say as long as you need  thanks Bruce i walked into one of the many rooms in Bruce's home

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" damn this is almost as nice as J's place" i whispered to my self. I sat down on the bed and cried " It's my fault that J got so drunk I'm so stupid every time I think something good is happening to me I go and fuck it up"
    I cried myself to sleep that night

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