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Third person POV

Mercy stared at Frosty's filled form, his body hitting the ground with a hard thud. Check's laughed echoed through the rotten building she called an old home. "Do you want to know what he really was?" Check glanced at them with a evil smile. "He was a castle, strong but and protective of the other pieces. But not strong enough." Mercy's mind raced with thoughts, her emotions fluttered through anger, sadness, and fear. "I'll tell you more about your own piece when, you, DIE!" She was at it again, her sword scraping against the ground as she trusted herself to them all. Harley whipped her gun from a holster. "You really talk too much, kid." Swiftly the gun slapped itself against Harley's palms and was ready to fire, but Check knew they brought guns, and so she planned on being faster. Luck must have been on her side, she abruptly stopped and shifted her stance to dodge the bullet that flew from the pistol. Dropping the heavy weapon, Check lunged at Harley. Their hands clasped onto each other's as they used strength to dominate the other. Being the trickster she was, Check threw her arms to the side, nocking Harley off balance, this gave her enough time to grasp her chains from her hips and shove the charging Jacob over her back. Check tore the chain from her hips and once again lunged at Harley, with the chain now around her neck she strangled her. Harley's hands ached and her throat burned with the rough chains pressing deep into her neck. Mercy took action, she jumped on Check, mocking her off of her adoptive mother."Get away from us! Leave me alone!" These words echoed through Check's mind. "I won't leave my King. That isn't the Queens duty." Mercy punched at Check, the chains being flung away from their fight. "No! I want Red back! Give her back damnit!" Check only laughed harder, Mercy only brew more blood from Checks face and only them were the center of attention."Enough." Check threw Mercy off to the side like a rag doll. Quickly she stood up and rushed to get her sword once again. "You aren't the people I'm going to kill today." Check's sword grazed the eye lid of Jacob as he frantically dodged. Little blood shot it's way up to the sky, Check's sword only slamming down harder than it flew up. Jacob screamed in agony as the blade tore down his leg. Mercy looked up at the haunting view, Jacob tried to prepare himself for another blow, though the tearing pain of the blade hurt him more than anything he has ever felt. "Gah!" He gritted his teeth, pain surging through his being.Harley grabbed her pistol and whacked it against the head of her enemy, but she missed as Check dodged. "How?! How can you see me attack you?!" Mercy still on the ground, she witnessed Check give off a horrifying smile with crazed eyes. "I. Am. Darkness." Harley's eyes widened, Check's elbow shot to her stomach, making Harley fall to the ground. Jacob struggled to get himself up again, he had to do something that would at least slow her down. He gritted his teeth, he had an idea but he knew it would have a consequence since he wasn't strong enough or good enough. He forcibly grabbed Check's leg, pulling on it to make her fall. His grip tightened and his teeth gritted even harder than before. Small roots sprouted from the rotted wood, the roots wrapped themselves around Check as much as they possibly could. Leafs grew and the roots thickened.

Check's POV

My eyes shifted around the room, the demonic laughter of the shadow creatures filling my head with endless pleasuring pain. My finger tips grew slightly numb, the roots only getting tighter, thinker, and harder. I've embraced you, so now it's time for all of you to help me. "Get me out." My voice was demanding, enough for a creature of tall stature to stumble its way over, the long, twisted neck looking quiet pleasant to my eyes. It's pearl white teeth showed as its jaw unhinged in a slobbery manner. It's long and thin legs helped it stand right above me. The eyes stitched with white looking string stared at home as its inhuman jaw clenched on the roots, the roots reaching with ease. The black shadow whipped its head back to rid of the plants, all until it was successful at freeing me. Everyone looked horrified at me, just like how I looked when I first saw my powerful curse.

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