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Red's POV

I stared at Mercy's bright blue orbs, the color shining in the dim lights. I slowly breathed in a deep gulp of air, then let it out as a sigh of disappointment. "Mercy, please stop this." I could clearly see the shock rise in Mercy's eyes. "Why? I'm just getting my mother back! Not to mention you helped take her away from me!" She procrastinated, making me slightly jump from her outburst. "Pl-please. Stop this-this madness." Thoughts raced my mind as fast as hell, the thoughts and pain of a dissuasion between the two I care about the most. I can't, it's too much. 'I have to think of another way to solve this. There is no other way.' "You, bitch, get out of the way. And you, Batsy," The Joker's voice changed to a mockery of Quinn's. "get out of my view. I won't give you another warning." My gaze shifted to Bruce's enraged but deadeyes, they looked right at The Joker. He gritted his teeth, so hard I swear they would freak at any moment. "You better watch yourself Joker. Why should I even listen to you." Bruce's eyes turned into small slits at his retorted comment. "Why?" The Joker's tone turned into a cocky tune of hell, his words representing poison. "Because I actually feel generous today! That's why!" He shifted his stance to the side, his from facing Mercy. The Joker started to darkly chuckle, which turned into a full out laugh as his head directed itself to the ground. His head slowly turned its attention back to us, a psychopathic smile decorated his lips, not to mention his silver teeth glittered and shined in the dim lighting. "Now move." My body tensed at his look, my eyes wide through fear of his non sympathetic glare. "No." My head shot to Bruce's face, he showed no fear. Only the same dead stare that said no good business. 'How? Bruce, how can you be so brave?' My mind raced through all the thoughts. The Joker brought me back to reality through his single, dead giggle. His eyes and the way he dangerously cocked his head proved what he would have said, 'This time you're dead.'Laughs echoed as The Joker lunged at the two of us. "Hold onto this Mercy, it's gunna get ugly." Harley said to as she handed mercy her gun. My ears listened to the sickening laughs of the crazy people, Quinn's silhouette proving enough that she was joining the fight. "Robin! Take her out!" "R-right!" 'I have little time to move.' I thought as the hard bat shot it's way to the side of my head. Quickly my knees bent, allowing me to escape while the bat hit the concrete wall hard. 'Damn! She's so fast!' Not a second later she returned, my back bent backwards, the bat missing me by a hair. My hands reached and grabbed the bat with an iron grip. Quinn's eyes showed nothing but lust for me to be no more. 'More of a reason for me to stop her!' My brows furrowed, my feet shifting underneath me, and my arms pulling the bat behind me. A smirk plastered my features as Quinn followed with her bat. Blood spurt from her mouth at the impact of her and the ground. "You! You dammed brat!" Her hands positioned herself behind her head and before I could react she back flipped back up, her boot hitting me hard on my nose, nocking me to the ground. 'Damnit! I have to get up! Now!' The clank from the lifting bat ring around in my ears as a warning to get up. Swiftly I tried to shove myself back up, but nothing happened for Quinn was already on top of me with her bat against my throat. I grunted as her body weight crushed my small form. 'Come on do a move! This is just a game of chess! She makes a move and you counter it! Come on!' "This is just a game Quinn, stop this game of chess." My hands became crushed underneath the bat as I tried to pry my way underneath it. "Likewise lil' Robin. You're already dead." The weight upon the bat increased. 'Made the wrong move Quinn.' With a yelling grunt of power I shoved her bat from my neck and off into the corner of the room. 'Now it's my turn to get you down.' I licked the blood on my lip, and smirked once again. I trapped her foot and arm with my own limbs. I bucked my hips to the side I wanted her to go, and she tumbled just as planed. Swiftly I got up into a mount position, so she naturally put her hand on me to try to shove me off. 'Wrong move Quinn.' My smile grew to a menacing grin, and my ear lowered as much as it could to meet her ear. "Checkmate Ms. Quinn." I didn't see, but I could tell her eyes grew wide with my poisoned words. I grabbed her dominate arm and put it between my legs as I bent her arm the wrong way. And with a quick trust up on my tight move, her arm broke with a shockingly loud crack.Quinn screeched loudly at the feeling of shooting pain through her arm, the pain striking it's way through her whole body. "Harley!" My eyes shot to The Joker, his face looking enraged within mixed emotions and hate. Bruce prepared to attack but in The Joker's fit of rage he whipped Bruce against the head with the butt of his pistol. "You little Bitch!" As fast as I could I lifted myself off the ground. My eyes widened, The Joker's face screamed with the aura of 'don't mess with my Harley'. Pain shot it's way through my tendon, enabling me to even attempt to walk. 'Crawl, crawl away. Hurry damnit!' "You're dead Robin." 'No, not today you clown freak! Not today! Not ever!' My hand reached to my weapon,It's cold handle making me feel slight comfort. Swiftly I prepared myself, my small switch blade ready for him to get me. But it didn't come. I opened my eyes to see what the hold up of my epic self-save was, but it was Bruce. His arms wrapped around The Joker's neck, keeping him from getting to me. Quinn's movements slowed but she ripped out the knife once again. I screamed in agony from the pain of my tendon. I gritted my teeth as Quinn readied herself to attack me again, this time, right above my kneecap. Her anger released itself to her attack, but my hand naturally slammed it against Quinn's blade, my hand feeling my own blood. Before she could react I put the butt of my own knife against her temple as hard as possible, making her limply fall. "Hahahaha you're so dead now!" The Joker screeched with anger, the boiling point far over its limit. "No, I'm not going to die, not ever!" Out of something hidden inside me, a durning passion I've never felt before, I somehow stood up. My knife pressed itself against his throat, mocking him of his useless struggles. For some reason I laughed at his helplessness, I laughed at my strength. I laughed at my power I now possessed over everyone else. "Your turn to know what it feels like to die, Joker." My smile showed enlightenment as my blade slowly dug into his neck, the fresh, warm blood making me feel like paint on a paintbrush. And he was my new canvas. "No!" An all to familiar cry came out of Mercy's mouth, but this time a gun shot followed, and the scream of Bruce's pain sounded as well. My eyes shot over to my father, his shoulder was punctured by a bullet. He grunted and fell to the floor, The Joker following in suit from the weight. "NOOOO! YOU! WHY?! WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I WAS YOUR FRIEND!" 'Hate, that's why. They hate me, they want me dead, for them it's a need for me to die. Yes, that's it.' My hands tugged at my face, trying to rip at my skin as if to show my true mask. 'Yes, they are in my game, I'm the black queen. Let them be my opponent, the white chess pieces. Make them become my canvases so I can paint them red. Yes, this is how it plays out. This is how I see the new.' "Red! Please stop this! Don't kill my parents!" "Kill, your parents. Yes, they are your parents aren't they? But he was mine, and you tried to kill him." My anger started to blind me, all the things in my mind only said, kill. So I'll do that, I'll kill and become the queen of Gotham everyone deserves. 'I am the new queen, and I have a new identity, and it will be Checkmate.' "So I'll make you feel my pain, I'll paint you all red like you are my canvas. I'll play you all like a game of chess, and I'm the queen." The horror on Mercy's face as she witnessed me change into a new person. "Wh-why? Red why?!" I chuckled. She might have changed into a more combat worthy person but, she'll always be stupid. "Because I see things now. I see how blind everyone is to the sense of love. IT DOESN'T EXSIST! And it never will, people use the phrase to give off a feeling that you are being cared for even when they truest won't ever care! So there is no use to having parents when they give you failed hope. But I care, and I once cared about you and Bruce. The only bad thing is that now I know, caring won't do anything either. Because the only people I once cared about tried to kill one another, so I don't see that existing either. I would say I'm sorry but I don't want to." "Who-who have you become?" I looked at her with my crazy gaze. "I'm Checkmate. So watch me paint all of your white chess pieces into a red mess."Right at that moment The Joker jumped at me, his eyes showing less craziness than my own. 'How amusing.' My eyes flickered with interest at his attempts to strike me down. 'The king is the weakest player, yet if he falls, they all fall. So you're mine.' Though my tendon is still ruined, I kicked him hard in the face with my ok foot. The weight pulling me to the ground from the pain of my tendon. "Do you know how to play a game of Chess, Mercy?" Confusion danced across Mercy's eyes. "I see, so you don't know how. Well I'll have to tell you, you see the king is the most important piece. If he dies, they all die. So that is how the game works in real life."'My story feels off, all of it. Now, I see the problems clearly.'

Red's Past
Third person

Red looked at her parents, her seven year old self hugging a stuffed bear in hand. She hopped they would stop arguing, but that was a wishful thought. Her wishes never became granted, for they continued.

Later on in life it got worse, and they tried to make her happy using games and money to drown her thoughts out of sorrows. But it didn't work.

Through out life nothing helped. And soon enough all of the money and arguing stopped. And the parents soon fell silent in their beds, covered in blood she called red paint.

She watched as the shadow left from her room, just as she did. Red always thought this was strange, the strange shadow left when she did. Though it killed her parents, while she tried to kill it.

After this she walked out without a tear stain on her cheek. Cops and police asked her what happened, so she told the truth, there was nothing to hide in her eight year old mind.

"The shadow killed them, I was trying to kill it and it killed mommy and daddy." "What shadow?" "The shadow man!"

The cop put her with the paramedics, her teddy bear still in hand. It's ear ripped off and it's arms and legs almost falling off.

Red heard the people talk about a so called shadow man. But they said it didn't exist, they said someone actually killed them.

Red listened closely to their conversation, they said she killed them.

"Red, we are going to take you to a phycologist, ok sweetie?" "Why?" "Because, you, uh, you are just going to see her ok? She's nice." "Ok missy."

Red didn't know what truly happened, but even though she was seeing more shadows after her parents deaths.

People said she had schizophrenia. She didn't know what that was until she grew up.

She learned when she was ten what it was. She procrastinated and told everyone that she wasn't crazy, that she actually say shadow people. But they said it was fake.

She grew up with PTSD, and it only grew when she became older.

And then everything got better, but now it failed. Now she sees the truth. Now she is a new person that will show everyone she isn't different, that she isn't crazy and that she can be part of society without being different.

Red's POV

"Finally, I can have a normal life." With a non sympathetic glare she pointed her knife at Mercy. "Wait! Red please stop!" "I'm not sorry for what I've done today." I pulled my arm back, breathed in and then out, and shot her arm to the side of The Joker's head, making him fall to the ground. I repeated the same action, this time the knife ended being embedded into the chest of Mercy. My grip on The Joker's ankle became tighter as I dragged him away. "Goodbye, old friend."

A/N: double update cause I love you guys red otherwise known as SilverPaint223 wrote this and I love her for it goodbye my little jesters😘

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