The past hurts

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Mercy's POV

I woke up in my bedroom got up changed and went into the living room where Jacob was still sleeping. I got really close to his face and gently poked his eye. "Wake up" he grunted and rolled over. "Please wake up I'm bored" "what" "morning" "piss off " "please get up" I said while shaking his arm. "Fine" he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Morning daffodil where's your dad" he said while looking around. "I don't know probably in his office" "okay well I got to go home I wasn't even suppose to spend the night my mom probably thinks J killed me" "ok bye Jacob" I said while giving him a hug "bye bye" and with that said he was out of the door and on his way home. I went to J's office and slowly opened the door. "D-dad" "what" "can we please pick up something from the orphanage" "what is it" "some tapes" "of" "tapes that I made for my parents" J raised one of his nonexistent eyebrows. "It'll be easier if I just show you" he got up from his chair and tossed me some keys. "To the lambo" "aren't you coming" "of course I'd never leave my baby with you" we got in the car and drove to the orphanage. J stayed in the car and I climbed up the side ladder and into my old room. I looked under my old bed, lifted the floor board and grabbed two tapes. I climbed back down the ladder and back into the car. "Got what you need" "yeah" once we got back home I put the tape first tape in the VCR. (The video footage will be underlined.) "hi mommy hi daddy it's been a whole year since you went away I'm five years old now  the police men asked me about the man that took you he used that weird thingy that made a lot of noise and made your heads bleed they don't know where he is and they keep saying that your not coming back but I know that's a lie I live in this place with a lot of other kids whose parents left when are you guys coming to get me? I really miss you guys" (next tape) "hi mommy hi daddy it's been five years I'm nine now School is all right I really like computers but math is hard I have a lot of friends at the orphanage No one wants to adopt me though they only want the babies it's not fair I just wish you guys could come and get me I'm trying not to cry but it's hard I really miss you guys."

"I mean I know there gone but I like to make a video every year on the anniversary of there death,October 25 today." "Uh yeah"J said he sounded like he was holding back tears. "Are you alright" "of course I'm alright,but where are the rest of the tapes" "there gone remember I told you the orphanage went under new management well the lady they put there hated me and thought I was stupid for making the videos so she decided to teach me a lesson she would throw all of the tapes in the fireplace, I could only save two" "I'll get you a camera" J came back with an old looking camera. I turned it on and began to speak. "Hi mom hi dad it's been nine years now I'm thirteen I still didn't start school again but a lot has happened and I ended up in the asylum but I also got adopted my second mom ended up getting taken away but my second dad is great I really miss you guys" "thanks J" "your welcome but about Harley she's alive she's in the asylum." "Don't toy with my emotions" I said in monotone with a straight face. "I'm not" "are you serious"I said with a small smile forming. "No" "asshole" "I'm kidding we really found her" "J oh my god" I said while wrapping my arms around him. "Were going to get her within the next two weeks." "I can't believe it I'm finally going to have a complete family" "J you better train my ass off" "I would do that regardless" "this is crazy" "no I am"
It's insane to think that in the next two weeks I'm finally going to have a normalish family with a normalish life

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