The Beginning

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~Normal Prov~
I walked slowly, taking in the feel of the last day of summer. "I really fucking hate people" I mumbled walking into Nekoma high. "Hello kitten," someone said tapping my shoulder. My cat-like reflexes had the person in a choke hold within seconds. "Wow kitten you can move fast and you're feisty," the person said studying their position. "One, you don't know me so don't call me 'kitten'. Two, stay out of my way and you won't get hurt." I mumble into the person's ear. The person stood up as I let go of them, I walked away not even knowing what the person's appearance.

I sat in my classroom 1-5 sitting in the back of the class. Sensei walked in and told everyone to sit. "You guys are all new here so we will start introductions," Sensei said sitting at his desk. I sat in silence as people introduced themselves, but there were few people in the college prep class so I was next. "I'm Kira Arashi" I stood as I said my name then sat down not drawing attention to myself. Sensei lectured and handed out our school books. The class period flew by leaving me to wander around the school

 ~during lunch~

Apparently, I wandered into the third year halls and "Hey, you're the kitten who put me in a choke hold this morning!" the boy said ruffling my hair. "I said to not call me kitten," I said twisting his arm and holding it behind his back. He grunted and people whispered stuff that I didn't catch. "What's your name stupid" I stated blandly. "Kuroo Tetsuro, and you might be?" he said smirking. "Kira Arashi," I said letting him out of the hold "why did you talk to me, to begin with?" I asked. The boy laughed and scratched the back of his neck "Uhm, you live like two houses down from mine. I thought that you might need a friend" Kuroo smiled.

 I turned and walked away "I don't need them and you don't want to be friends with someone like me" I hollered down the hall as I left Kuroo standing alone.

I found a vending machine and pulled out some change. "Oi are you actually going to get something or are you just going to stand there looking?" a voice said behind me. "Oi how about you get a life and shut the fuck up because I can take as long as I want asshat!" I grumbled as I turned to face a second-year. "Names Yamamoto Taketora, I like your attitude shrimp" he crossed his arms. "Don't call me shrimp or I'll kick your ass" I stated, "name's Kira Arashi." He smirked, "do you play any sports?" "Yeah, volleyball. Why?" I asked "because you seem fit enough to be playing some hardcore shit," Yamamoto said studying my figure. "Hmm, you're pretty smart, knowing sports but I can tell you're not that academically smart" I laughed. Yamamoto started laughing along with me.

I waved the boy off as I walked into my classroom once more. I sat in the back of the class. Nobody noticed that I was late so I shrugged it off, this is the peace before the storm I laughed knowing what I meant by that phrase. I'm kind of excited to play volleyball again, but I hope they won't find out my little secret, eh they're bound to find out. I walked into the boy's gym "Oi, where's the cap and coach?" I yelled gaining everyone's attention. "Oyoyoy! Ri-" "Kuroo, you're the captain? Ok, then this shouldn't be as hard as I imagined" I laughed.

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