The Truth

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"So you already know part of it. I drink when I'm super stressed. I lived with my parents, I had an older brother who played at Karasuno, that's why Shin is playing there. But our parents had a marriage beforehand and so my older brother's name was Chiisana Kyojin. We shared the same mother but we had different dads. Chiisana loved Shin and me, he even taught us volleyball. Our parent's abandoned Shin and I because we weren't needed because of Chiisana's fame. So they kicked us out and Chiisana tried to help us but our parents wouldn't let him.

Shin and I ended up on the streets. We sang and danced, and eventually landed a job that would let us perform, and serve tables. We've been working there ever since. But the other night I saw Chiisana and our parents, they were going out to eat. Thankfully my shift was over, so I didn't have to see them. I was so stressed about that I forgot to lock the door, it was about a year ago I got the tattoo.

Shin has one also but he doesn't know about mine. Shin was with some friends and they all got tattoos while they were high. I, on the other hand, paid for it up front and got it while I was drunk. I wanted a way to fly, like Chiisana! So I got wings tattooed on my back.

Keishin, Shin and I have been living on our own for a long time I just want to have a regular family again. I want to see and talk to Chiisana but he's on Tokyo's Volleyball team, so even if I could see him I wouldn't be able to talk to him, ever" I said wiping away tears. "I find it funny Hinata looks up to my big brother" I laughed and Keishin straightened up. "Your big brother is the little giant?" "Yeah, everyone knows his nickname but nobody really knows his real name" I whispered. Keishin stood up and hugged me and I gladly hugged him back. "You can live with me until you go on to college. You actually don't have a choice I'm taking you guys in. You can meet my grandfather who coached your brother" Keishin said "Wait? Really!!" I said jumping with excitement. "Sure thing kiddo," Keishin said ruffling my hair.

"Are you ready to spread your wings?" Keishin asked opening the lounge room's door. I smiled and ran and grabbed Shin' s favorite hoodie, which is the Karasuno volleyball team's. I ran out with my hair damp and jumped on Shin's back. "I'm moving again. So are you, we're moving in with Keishin" I whispered in his ear. "Wait really?" Shin asked excitedly about the news. "Duh, oh and I grew from the last time I measured myself!"I piped. "How tall are you now?" Shin asked setting me on the ground. "170 centimeters, just like Chi-" I trailed off knowing he wasn't up to hearing about our stepbrother. "You're as tall as Chii was in high school?! Geez, quit growing kid!" Shin laughed ruffling my hair.

I walked over Nekomata, with a frown on my face. "Nekomata, I'm leaving to become a crow. I'm sorry but I can live a normal life without worrying about rent and be driving thirty minutes to work. Nekomata, I'm glad I was on your team, I've learned a bunch and I want to thank you and the team for that!" I said bowing. "Kira, you were born to fly. You were holding back the entire time you've been with us. Now go spread your wings, it's been awhile since the last time you've used them."Nekomata said with a smile. I walked around giving everyone on the Nekoma team a hug.

"Kenma make sure to keep Kuroo in his place. Yaku keep beating those receives into Lev, he's gonna need it. Yamamoto, you'll get the guts eventually to talk to Kiyoko" I gave my little speech to my ex-teammates.

Keishin walked to the volleyball team and smiled. "Well, you guys know Kira, and Kira's little sister Arashi. She'll be joining our team. Shin you and Arashi will be living with me, because of your situation." Shin looked at me I gave him the I'm-sorry-but-he-needed-to-know look. Shin shook his head understanding.

"Though I'm curious as to who you guys get your looks from because you two look nothing alike," Tsukishima said pointing at Shin and I. "Well you see, I get my looks from my mother. She has black hair with gray eyes. Arashi, on the other hand, has blonde hair and gray eyes, which the eyes come from our mom, but the blondeness it a one in eight chance of getting" Shin explained. Tsukishima nodded understanding, surprising.

"Hinata, I want to tell you a secret," I said watching him creep close to me "I can jump higher than you" I whispered. "Uwaaaah!?" Hinata yelled, "do you not believe me?" I asked.

~Hinata's Prov~

"Hinata, I want to tell you a secret," Kira said I crept towards her "I can jump higher than you" she whispered. "Uwaaaah!?" is all I could manage to say "do you not believe me?" she asked. "Show me!" I yelled. "Suga! Can you give me a pretty high toss? Higher than Asahi's!" Arashi asked politely. "Oh no, there she goes again" I hear Shin mumble "again?" I asked. "Yah she ends up pulling one of her muscles if she doesn't stretch first," Shin said watching Arashi stretch, this time. "Suga you ready?" Arashi asked for position to spike. I watched her take her running start, which reminded me of the little giant, wait she matches up perfectly with the form and style of the little giant. She was almost halfway above the net, and all we could do was watch.

She was in midair, time slowed down. Her shirt lifted up and her back was black, but I couldn't make out what it was but we listened to the whizzing sound as the ball slammed against the floor, leaving the gym dead silent. "Waaah!" I jumped on her wanting to know everything, mainly how she could jump that high.

~Normal Prov~

I landed, the gym was silent, I looked at my hand and made it into a fist. I looked at Hinata who seemed to be speechless then "Waaah!" the boy leaped from standing next to Shin to landing on me. I laughed when I looked at Shin, who gave me a thumbs up and I held back tears knowing that I really wanted to keep playing with this team behind me. "Suga! That was an awesome set!" I pat him on the back. "Now it's like having two Hinata's," Tsukishima said. "Hey, glasses! Last time I checked I'm more badass than you." I laughed. "How?" Tsukishima said putting a hand on his hip.

"Well, I can jump higher and have more mobility than all of you. I have lived on my own since I was little unlike you Mr. Dinosaur, I didn't have a family who fed me every night. I also bought my own bike" I smirked. "What do you mean by you've lived on your own since you were little?" Sawamura asked "or more mobility, or bike?" he added. I laughed and looked at Shin and nodded.

"Well you see, Shin and I were on the streets. What I mean by more mobility is that I'm ambidextrous. And the bike, it's out back. Bokuto's met my bike before" I smirked knowing Tsukishima couldn't beat me. "Wait that was you on the bike? You looked badass!! Tsukishima you're talking to an idol!" Bokuto praised me, I only laughed. "Oh don't try to get too close to me, I'll hurt you without mercy" I added with a smile sending chills down everyone's spine including Shin's.

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