14: Battle

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(Drawings of battle armor up there! Also, you can listen to the song if you want, also above!)
I let my ship hit the shore. I looked around and saw Tu'la looked as beautiful as always from a ways.

After I successfully created the force field, I took my boat and left. I didn't say goodbye to anyone. I didn't show any sign of me even leaving. I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt over my stupid decisions.

I let my brown leather boots touch the sand. The woods were right in front of me, waiting to take to Tu'la's capital. I pulled over my hood with my sword in hand and disappeared into the trees. My thoughts kept ticking in my mind.

If I destroyed Grayden, if won't help anything. It'll just create more hatred towards Ru'an. Besides, I bet if I could at least corner him, I could force peace once again.

I kept walking through the shadows. Each sound echoed against the trees.


I turned to see Gabriella and Alina. Alina's arms were crossed, her hip cocked. Gabriella was fiddling with her sword and looking down.

"Girls, what are you doing here?"

"There is no way, you're going to sneak into a powerful empire, then bardge into the king's palace and try to force peace." Alina stated

"I'm sorry but I-"

"Without us." Gabriella interrupted

My words were snatched away from me. I sighed and pulled down my hood.

"Lina, Ella, I'm sorry but, this is something that only I can do. It's too dangerous for you."

"So for you. Daddy, listen to us. You can't do everything alone. We're here. Wether you like it or not." Gabriella insisted


"We can do this Dad." Alina says, placing her hand on my shoulder,"Besides, we have relics too you know."

"Can you even control them?" I asked

They looked at each other and smirked. With a bright glow, Alina and Gabriella were in full armor, hair up.

Alina had a dark ruby red theme, gold and black gloves decorated her wrists. Also a red mask. Gariella had indigo theme. A hood and gold details made it look beautiful and delicate. Her wings out and crystal sword. They both looked ready for battle.

"Dad. We're ready." Gabriella assured

I smiled and pulled my hood over again.

"Let's go."

The girls transformed back out of their forms and we began for the Tu'la capital.


Tu'la is one of the bigger empires of this region. Besides France, Great Britian, and Ru'an. Like us, they combined all their villages together to form one country. We both did at the same time as a agreement. To help each other.

Let's say, people around here are pretty curious when they see three hooded people walking the streets. Some maybe recognized us but, didn't try and stop us.

"Tu'la is bigger than I remember." Gabriella notes.

"I notice that as well. I wonder if they expanded." I admitted.

It was highly possible.

"What's the plan when we bardge in?" Alina asked.

"Well, hopefully, I can reason with the king first. If not, I guess we have no choice but, to pull out our weapons." I explained.

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