37: The Ones I Love

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Remember to vote and comment about how you are liking the story! Thanks! Also, the song is so cheesey so, if you have a better song that will compliment the chapter, please let me know!!
June 14th, 2016

Garroth's POV:


I looked up from the pile of papers that I just finished and saw Gabriella stomping to the door.

"Zane, my dear Uncle," She started, trying to sound kind and sweet in a annoyed tone voice. "He stole one of the cupcakes I made for tonight!"

"Did he now," I asked, smirking.

"That is a full on lie," Protested Zane, now coming into the conversation. "She told me that I could have one before she started baking, so, no, I didn't steal!"

"Ah, I see," I say, jokingly.

"Noooo! I told you, you could have one when everyone else arrived," She says, arms crossed.

"What can I say? I love your baking," He put his hands up.

"It's called addiction!"

They continued to bicker, ignoring now that I was in the room. My eyes seemed to open more, seeing how much they both changed.

Zane, now has his hair shorter and out of his eyes. He wears a grey hoodie with light blue teared jeans. Over the years, he's opened up and expressed himself more. Him leading to make new friends and have better relationships.

Gabriella is turning more into an adult. Now, looking like she's sixteen, she wears more clothes to match her visual age. She wears more makeup and always curls her hair slightly to give it a beach look. She also has developed more responsibility and confidence in herself to make her own choices without her asking my opinion.

"Besides," Gabriella says, louder than before, snapping me back. "won't Penny be disappointed that you ate a cupcake without her?"

Zane's face went from snow pale to red salsa in a matter of seconds.

"M-Maybe...I don't know."

I laughed, seeing my brother's face.

"H-Hey! You acted like this sometimes when I brought Aphmau!"

I froze.

"Oh my... Garroth, I'm so sorry!"

"N-No, it's fine. I'm over it."

He smiled and I got up to join them out of my office.

"So, when are the others coming," I asked.

"Sometime in the next hour," Gabriella said.

I nodded and went to work. I helped with a few more tasks such as, finishing the food, cleaning the house a bit and, helping Gabriella set the table.

"Eek! I'm so excited," She squeaked. "You're going to meet my friends for the first time Dad!"

"Heh, yeah. What are their names again," I asked.

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