18: Nightmares

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Music above is not necessary but, highly recommended for this chapter.

Garroth's POV:

Sleep. Something that I have come to appreciate. If people haven't guessed yet, I have insomnia. It's where some nights I can't sleep and I find myself tossing and turning. I thankfully don't have it as bad as others but, it's something that I wish I could fix. Being immortal and thinking all the things I could've done better in the past, doesn't help.
This night though, I was able to put my mind to sleep.


Images. Flashes of light. That's what I saw. I didn't understand and felt panic overcome my body. It was like having multiple dreams and nightmares at once.

Then, blackness. Nothing.

A bright light shined in front of me. As it decipated, an object appeared in front of me.

My relic.


"Take me..," It whispered.

I reached my hand out, ready for what ever came. I took a deep breath and touched it. 

The room shook. The black was cracking. Shooting pain came to my head. I clutched it wanting to stop.

"Stop," I cried.

I wanted all the pain to stop. I zipped my eyes shut. I waited. Once I felt normal, I opened them. I saw...them. My family. They were all under a tree, enjoying the sun. Laughing.

I felt tears come to my eyes. I haven't seen their faces in so long that, I could barely picture them in my head.

"Hey slow poke! Are you coming," Shouted Travis, waving me over to them.

I started running. I wanted to hear them all again. I wanted to hug them all again. I wanted to laugh with them again. But, as I got closer, I noticed that their faces became more...deformed. Once I was aleast a yard away, they all laughed at me. Shadows overlapped them until they were just beasts in front of me with smirks displayed on their faces. I was frozen in fear. I couldn't manage to say a thing. The started to slowly surround me, growling. The wind started to pick up and soon, we were in a completely different environment. Snowy trees with a moonlit path.

I felt control come back to me and I ran down the path. Not wanting to see what has become of the people I love. I still heard the growling as I ran but, it faded as the shadows became darker. The scene changed again.

I was in a torch lit cave with tapestries on the wall but, they weren't the ones I was familiar with. I looked closer and saw that it was art of the villains I fought in the past. As I looked closer to one of Michi, they all began to glow. I tripped as I stepped back, wanting to find the end of this nightmare. Like my family, I saw them all flesh and blood. They looked confused and yet, relieved. Then, they turned to me and smirks started to dance on their faces.

"Well, well, well," Ivy sang as her high pitch voice bounced on the walls. "I wasn't expecting to see the Garroth Ro'Meave here to greet us. After all, you were the one who killed me."

"I'm shocked as well. I mean, being a hero who is above all, you shouldn't have to waste your time seeing little old us," Zenix teased.

A figure came out from the group. My eyes widen as his eye narrowed.

"It's sad to see you come so low, dear brother."

"See you around, Ro'Meave," Gene says, as he crossed his arms.

The image faded. A new one came. The worst of them all. Ru'an in flames. Screams heard. People lying unconscious on the cobblestone roads. The one that haunt me the most was, Gabriella, in the same boat but, blood trickling from the top of her head. I tried running to her but, I couldn't. I looked down and I saw stone start to grow on me. I started to feel all the emotions that I try to bury inside me every breathing day that I have.

Regret towards the choices I made in the past.

Anger towards the relic I was given.

Fear towards losing Gabriella.

Depression for the ones I have already lost.

The last one out of them all. I saw me. I saw me in a strange outfit, sword in hand. I had tears and blood running down my face. I was screaming at something or someone, who was the threat in this situation. They were out of my range to see but, I was obviously exerting all my energy towards this enemy. I had so many questions run through my head. Could...could this be my future...?

I soon felt stiffness come to my face as everything went to white.


I bolted upright in my bed, heart pounding out of my chest.
I didn't know that nightmare scared me that much. Sure, I knew that the situations were terrifying but, I knew it was a dream.

But...what if it wasn't?

My head still was throbbing from the sudden pain from the beginning of the nightmare. Sweat was streaming down my head.

"Sir," asked a guard as he centered the room. "Are you alright, sir? You were tossing and moaning in your sleep."

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Just a n-nightmare."

"Okay. If you say so."

He left. I look outside to see the sun just peaking over the mountain. Another day.

I got out of bed and got on my black pants, white shirt, and brown boots. I went over to my closet and pulled out the same light blue coat that Olivia gifted me the day before my coronation. I let it slip on.
Over the years, it still has never teared once. I tend to keep it that way.
I pull open my curtains to make the sun shine in to make the dark room more bright and happy.
I took a deep breath and let it out.

"It was just a nightmare..," I told myself.

I walked out of my room to start the next day with something new to happen.

Little did I know that something big was about to happen...

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