21: The Darkness Inside

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Garroth's POV:

Ungruth lightly landed on the ground right infront of a cave. The cave seemed to exert darkness and cold from it.

"This is as far as I can take you. Please, be safe Ro'Meaves," The Wyren told us. "I'll be out here waiting for you."

I nodded my head, thanking him. Gabriella got off the creature and basically hugged the ground.

"Oh ground! Forgive me for giving up on thou," She cried.

I chuckled. I guess there's one thing you always learn everyday.

"Make sure your daughter doesn't throw up on the way back," Ungruth told me.

"Hey! I'm sorry, you did flips and turns like you were carrying your own scales on your back!"

I laughed, knowing that Gabriella hates to be messed with.

"Let's go," She commanded.

I nodded and pulled out my sword. She did the same. We entered the cave. Once our footsteps made a echo, torches lit up inside.
Gabriella jumped a bit. The sudden even must've really scared her.

"You okay," I asked.

"Yes. I'm just jumpy is all."

I looked at her, concerned. She smiled a reassuring smile and we moved forward.
The cave seemed to never end and with the torches, it made it more...creepy.

"Whoa! Dad, look!"

Gabriella was pointing at a row of tapestries. Each one a different color and details to compliment a background. Where was the main image?

"These are so beautiful. I wonder why they're left here," I wondered out loud.

"Well, maybe because they're not finished. Look, they're supposed to be people. For instance, this one has a label."

Wait a minute. Cave. Torches. Empty tapestries.

"See, it reads Michi and on this one."

"Gabriella, get behind me."


"Just do it," I demanded.

She did without question. I gripped my sword tightly, not wanting it to drop.

"Come out you cowards! I know you're in here!"

I heard a sinister laugh and soft footsteps come up.

"Heh, I'm surprised to see you here, Garroth Ro'Meave," Gene says coming into the light. "You shouldn't let Ivy see you."

"Already did."

The hot pink haired girl came into view as well.

"How are you here? You died."

"Oh, silly, we didn't die, just...got banished. Explains the tapestries." Ivy says in her high pitched voice.


A high pitched laugh was heard. Michi was above us, dangling from her tail.

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