22: Mother and Daughter

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Gabriella's POV:

Did I seriously just do that? I really left my father to fight his past? Voices I my head kept shouting at me;

You're useless.

You should go back.

Daddy told you to go, listen.

You're supposed to be the next Irene.


Can't protect the ones you love.

So, yeah. My day is turning out peachy! Just peachy! Crying through your fear of being alone and heights on a back of Wyren who seems to speak just puts your life in a whole new direction of positive thinking! Really recommend doing!

Ungruth landed, me getting off immediately, seeing Dylan running toward us.

"Gabriella," He exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're okay!"

I stood there silent. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move.

"Where's your father?"

I sobbed. Pressure seemed to force it's way up my throat begging to be released to show weakness. I couldn't do that now.

"My father has been captured or...I don't really want to think about the other option but, he has ordered me to have every guard on watch, with your help," I explained, my form seemed to have disappeared but, I still felt a power inside of me grow. "Dylan, go inform all generals to put the best guards in the streets. Tell them a threat larger than they have ever seen before is coming."

He nodding and ran off but, with hesitation. I sighed.

"Thank you dearly Ungruth. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten out of there on time."

"My pleasure. I'm sorry for your father but, I can assure your that thy wouldn't kill him immediately. They will need information to survive in this world. So, keep your hopes. I must be going."

"Of course."

His eyes glowed as a bright object formed on my neck. A necklace with five jewels connected to it hung from my neck.

"Break a gem if you need assistance. You and, or your father. Goodbye, my friend."

With another glow, he vanished in thin are. I sighed, realizing that he was the only way to easily reach my father but, I payed it no mind. I had a quest. Ru'an needed protection. I was the only one to help.
I ran off, to go help Dylan and my fellow guards.


After a long day, of commanding a whole army of soldiers from being trained by your father who has risked his life to save you, you pretty much feel exhausted after that.

"Gabriella, you should catch some sleep, sweetie," Said Mrs. Saler, my teacher.

"I...I was ordered to help Ru'an. That's what...what I'm going to do," I say, trying to keep my eyes awake.

"Please. I'm sure your father would hate to see you like this."

I rolled my eyes but, agreed. She after all is one of the older ones in this city. Besides me and my father of course but, I still act like a child.

"Goodnight," I wave.

I rush to my home, into my room, flopping onto my bed. I stretched long, hearing almost every joint crack. I changed into my nightgown and slipped into bed. I let the warmth of my room comfort me and soon, I fell asleep.


I woke up but, not in my bed but...a land with one single tree placed in the middle. Flowers were blooming and birds were singing. Random animals roam around from horses and dogs to bears and lions. It was amazing. I walked closer to the tree, letting each breath from my lungs absorb the sweet air. I inspected the tree, looking around the log to find nothing too out of the ordinary.
I sighed and slid down to the ground. I took in the sounds around me. It's only a few moments where I'm able to do these things. I mostly do them with my Father. He would tell me a story while I sat and sketched. He would ask me how my life was going, friends. Now that he isn't here, I don't know how to live out this dream.


My eyes flew open and I turned around to see a woman with raven hair and amber eyes. She looked a lot like Alina but, she wasn't. Her smile immediately calmed me, making everything seem peaceful. Her amber eyes twinkled and her body seemed delicate and kind.


"Hi there my sweet Ella," She says, opening out her arms for a hug.

I got up and almost made us tip over from the force from desperation to hug my mother again. Sobs came and joy escaped from my eyes. I felt her hand stroke my hair.

"I missed you so much," I said, choking a bit on words.

"I missed you too," She said softly. "I'm sorry that you and your Father have to go through this. Especially you who should just be a kid."

"Mom, it's okay. I just...I'm scared. What if I lose Dad? What if I can't handle the pressure? I just what him back," I said, sobs seeming to come faster.

"Shh. You Father is one of the strongest men I knew. He wouldn't give up that easily," She says, looking into my eyes. "Garroth Ro'Meave has been through a lot and those villains won't get the best of him. He'll stay strong, especially when he knows you're still living."

"What should I do?"

"Stay the smart, kind, and beautiful girl I know. You are going to do great things one day. I know it."

She gave her one tight hug, not wanting to let go.

"I love you, never forget that," She told me.

"I love you too, Mommy."

The world fades around me. I opened my eyes again to see myself in my bed, sun seeping through my window. I sighed, having the same feeling from the dream still resonate inside me.

"I'm gonna get you back, Dad. Just you wait."

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