46: A Hero's End

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October 13...you're all going to hate me...

Garroth's POV:

My wails over powered the blasts coming from the beasts from outside my field. My head was throbbing, my threat burning, and my limbs felt weak. Gabriella, was gone. I couldn't protect her...

"Please...come back to me...Ella..."

Then, I stabbing pain shot through my head as I heard a crack on my dome. I looked up to see a huge line starting from the top to the bottom. The creatures were destroying it. Then, I snapped back.
Gabriella may not be with me but, I still have Ru'an to think about. I didn't live this long to see it perish.
I took one last look at my daughter and sighed. I wiped away my tears and pulled off my cape from my form. I pulled it over her and kissed her forehead. I gently placed her down and stood up.

I looked at the shadowy figures above me and narrowed my eyes. I picked up my sword and with one swing, a force shattered my dome and sent the creatures flying back. With hisses, they stood up again and looked me dead in the face.

"Face it Ro'Meave. You're alone. Surrender, now," The leader rasped.

I held my sword tighter.

"You think...for one second I will ever surrender to you, you're sadly mistaken," I say through my gritted teeth. "I will fight for my home until the ends of the earth!"

"Even after your daughter parishes, you still stand," One echoed. The voice laughed and looked at me. "You're a fool."

"You should've never been Lord," Another one spoke.

"You're right," I say. I walk closer to them. "I should've never been Lord. I'm stubborn, sensitive, and ignorant. I don't know when to stop which makes me a fool but, I know one damn thing..."

They summoned their magicks as I got closer. They seemed...afraid.

"...I made a promise. I promise to protect the things I care about. My friends. My home. My family," I say, thinking of my past. "...Even my daughter. Now, you've taken them away from me. I have no choice but, to get rid of the beasts that dared take them away."

I raised my sword and pointed it at them.

"If you want my relic, come and get it."

I ran. I ran as far away from the city as I could. Into the forest. I jumped over roots and ducked under branches. I heard the hisses not so far behind me. I knew they were following me.

I came to a stop to see something I hadn't seen in a long time...

The Old Guard Tower.


I rush towards it.


The door creaked as I slowly opened it. The second story had collapsed and floor boards bounced as I stepped on them. Dust and cobwebs littered the air.

I snapped out of my trance and climbed up to the third floor. I looked out and saw the city on one side and the ocean on the other. I turned around and saw the table that started an argument against Laurance and Aphmau. I turned the other way and saw the engraving of Dante and Nicole's initials.
I looked back out window and saw a black spiral come towards me. It flew through the window and tackled me against the wall. It raised it's hand and summoned an orb. It laughed at my failure and I struggled to be let go. It raised it's hand to my throats and I couldn't breathe. My form began to flicker.
As it couldn't to bask in it's glory, I slowly grasp my sword again. It suddenly stopped, staring at the engraving. I didn't hesitate to stab the creature in between the ribs.

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