36: The Brave Heart

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Garroth's POV:

I wake up to a dimly lit, unfinished room. I looked straight ahead and saw that a Soviet flag was hanging from the wall. I tried moving but, I instantly felt pain in the back of my neck again. I looked down to see myself locked to a chair and a long tube scattered on the floor. I made the connection and assumed it was the reason why pain was exerting from my neck.

"H-Hello," I asked weakly. "Is anyone down here?"

"Aw, your awake," Khrushchev says deeply behind me. "Sad to see that. I guess the pain will be worst than."

"What do you want," I demanded through gritted teeth.

He laughed, sending chills down my spine. I book slid under my feet. The title read;

Relics of the Divine

"Where did you find this?"

"A spy of mine got into your archives and found it," He says, appearing in front of me. "Isn't that nice."

"Again, what do you want from me?"

"You see. That relic had been in you for so long that some of it's power must've went into your blood. With that, and my prior knowledge, I'll used that to to create a field around my land," He comes close to me, yet far away that his warm breath wasn't on me."Now, my wall will never fall."

I fists balled up under my cuffs, my eyes narrowed.

"How are you for sure this will work," I asked, trying to get answers.

"Trust me, comrade. It will..."

He goes back behind me. I hear him fiddle with machinery, then say;

"Прощай, Lord Ro'Meave."

(Goodbye, Lord Ro'Meave)

After a sound of a switch being flipped and a machine starting, I started to feel an agonizing pain from my neck. It started to spread down to my arms and chest. I held back from screaming, trying to show no weakness to the man. I bit my lip, feeling already blood trickle from it.

"You won't get away with this..," Trying my best not to scream with my words.

"I will. All I have to do is wait till all to much blood drains from you, leaving you dead. I would blame it on some freak accident by rebels with bullets," He was with a grin. "I'll be back...I have to go entertain that family of your's as well."

I tensed up.

"Heh...you should work on that detail..," He says, before leaving the room.

I waited for the door to close and his footsteps faded away. I wailed in pain. I had felt pain before but, nothing like this. I knew from that moment on, this was going to scar me. I soon, after struggling and blood flowing through the tube, I felt exhausted. I refused to close my eyes, knowing that I probably wouldn't wake up. I just had to wait and struggle in the mean time.


Penny's POV:

We heard echoes of a wail ran through the hall.

"Was that..," I trailed, scared to share it.


They ran off and I had no choice but to follow. The dog hybrid thing was in the front.

"Good job Diamond," Gabriella called, smiling at her new friend.

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