Chapter 5- First Day

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A/N: pic of Spencer on side

I woke the next morning about 2 hours before school started, mostly due to jet lag or whatever. I didn't bother and try to go back to sleep since I was already to awake to try and sleep more. So instead I got up, showered, dressed and go out to do a couple things before I had to head off on a couple errands. Grabbing my phone and wallet with my room key in it now, I left the dorm area quietly and walk briskly off campus without getting to lost. 

My first stop was to a hair cutters place. I decided that since I was in a new place, a new hair cut came along with it. I walk in and up to the front counter, asking for a hair cut. A lady leads me to an open seat, well actually they were all open since it was like 6:30 in the morning. I tell her I want my long hair, cut off and gone. She shows me a few styles and asks what I'd like and tells me what might look good. I just shrug and tell her to get cutting and we'd go from there. (pic on side :b) 

It didn't take to long and soon enough my long hair was gone, put in a bag or whatever to be mailed off to Locks for Love. I smile and thank the lady, paying her and leaving a nice tip before heading out and down to the store to get some food for breakfast and to put in the mini fridge. I make a speedy trip through the store, getting food for a couple days as well as my needed school supplies, before deciding I should head back. I catch a can since I had a bunch of things in my hands now. 

I arrived back in my room with my supplies and food with about half an hour to spare. Sighing, I put everything away and set up my 1" binder with blank paper before I toss that along with my wallet, pen/pencil in my messenger bag thing. I check my phone and send a text to my friends back home before changing into the school uniform. I stand there looking at my self in the mirror as I tie the tie and pull the jacket on. I leave it unbuttoned as I pick my bag up and slip my home into my pocket.

I made a face and sighed, I didn't like this whole uniform thing but oh well. I grabbed my schedule from the desk and walked out, making sure I had my key first before walking down the halls, phone in hands and texting Josh and the gang as I make my way to my first class. I wandered around, a bit lost as I look for this music class. Other students had already disappeared to their classes. I sigh and ignore my phone for once to look at the map. I stand there studying it for a moment before walking down some halls. 

Map reading was not a super great skill of mine, even if it was stupidly easy. I end up walking into someone, knocking them over accidentally then tripping over them. I flip over and grunt as I hit the ground, not to bothered by it since i was used to harder landings. I scramble to my feet, grabbing my things and moving over to help the other person up. I noticed it was a girl, a cute one at it but that wasn't the point. I shake my head and smile slightly as I apologize. 

"Hey I'm sorry, wasn't looking. You okay?" I say sticking my hand out. The girl takes my hand and jumps up, nodding slightly "Yeah! It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either" she says with a laugh. I smile and dust off my uniform some, didn't want it looking dirty when everyone met the new kid. Personally that was a bad way to present yourself but whatever. once I was done adjusting my jacket and she was done fixing her skirt and all, I looked around at the class rooms. 

"Well it was nice meting you!" the girls says. I blink, having forgotten she was there got a moment. I smile and wave a little as she turns and walks off "You too" I answer looking back at the map. I blink and realize I was standing in front of my class. I fold the map back up and stuff it in my bag as I enter the room. I was surprised to find that there weren't many kids in here. 

Everyone looks up and blinks as I stand there a bit awkward. The teacher come out from another room and smiles at me "Hello you must be our new student?" she asks me. I nod slightly "Yup, sorry I'm late. Got lost" I say smiling a bit sheepishly. She waves it aside "Oh it's no worries, you found you're way here so you're fine. I'm Ms. Winters but call me Elizabeth or Liz" she says sticking her hand out. I nod and jake it before she turns to the class who had one back to whatever. "Class, stop what you're doing for a moment and listen up. We have a new student, please welcome him and listen to his intro" she tells him. I laugh to myself as he refers me to a 'he' but I wasn't bothered. 

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