Chapter 12- Spencer's not around again?

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Pic of Charlie on side

Joey’s POV

Morning classes went by seemingly so slow and somehow I managed to stay awake even though I hadn't gotten much sleep. I hadn't seen Spencer around and wonder where she was off too, I kept glancing around looking for her, wondering if I just hadn't seen her or something. My friends noticed of course and asked about it. I just shook my head and shrugged, saying it wasn't really anything, I was just curious on where Spencer was but it was no biggie.  They obviously didn't believe me since I rarely looked around for people. 

I found myself missing seeing her around or always appearing randomly to say hi in between classes and I had no idea what to think of that. I figured it was just because we were friends or something but at the same time I doubted that. I mean friends don't miss each other so much do they? Well maybe they do, I guess I'm just worried something happened. Yeah, that's probably what it was. I decided to go with that answer for now till I had a better one in mind. 

Lunch finally arrived and my friends and I sat where we usually did. We just sat there chatting about random things. Quinn suddenly decided to ask what was on my mind this morning. Giving a sky smirk she turns to me "So Joey, what were you really looking for this morning?" She asks. I shrug and shake my head "I already said, I was just wondering where Spencer was, that's all" I answer before taking a few bites of my food. Quinn makes a face "Sure sure...but like every class and all over the hall constantly?" She inquires. I nod slowly as Spencer suddenly appears, causing me to grin and wave to her. 

She waves back and eats some, not appearing to notice she'd interrupted our conversation, not that I minded really. Quinn half scowls at me, knowing I was glad Spencer had interrupted us but I just smile. She sighs and turns to Spencer "Why don't you ever sit down?" She asks her. Spencer just replies with some weird answer about imbalance which made no sense seeing there were 5 of us plus her made 6 but I didn't question it. She stayed a bit longer to talk before tossing her trash out and disappearing off to whoever she was going it. 

Quinn turns to me thoughtfully "I think you were looking for her this morning cuz you missed her!" She declares tossing her own trash out. My cheeks heat up some as I shake my head "That's not true! Well it is, but why wouldn't i? She's a nice friend" I defend myself, copying her actions before standing at the end of the table. Rose laughs "I don't know, your cheeks don't really match up with what you're saying" she says sounding rather amused. I huff and roll my eyes "You guys are crazy and weird" I mutter stretching. 

I look over at Charlie and Rose curiously and raise an eyebrow "What about you two? Is what Spencer suspects true?" I ask curiously. They shake their heads and laugh "No, she's just crazy. We're just really good friends" Charlie answer with a small shrug. Rose nods slightly "Remember we've know each other longer then we've know the rest of you" she adds hastily. I laugh and nod "Okay, okay. I was just asking" I say before turning to head back to my room before the others had even gotten their things. I wasn't sure what to do for the rest of the day. The schedules were so odd to me, I didn't get how I only had just morning classes but others had morning and afternoon. It was way to confusing for me. 

I walked around the halls, just wandering around and thinking to myself about whatever surface my brain. I stopped and looked out a window that looked over the sports field, not seeing anyone out surprisingly. I was about to turn and leave to continue my walk when a something flashed and caught my eye. I stopped and looked around the fields, peering down at each one carefully. I noticed someone at the baseball field in the hurting net. I raised an eyebrow as I recognized Spencer. She played baseball? Certainly didn't know that, I smiled slightly and watched for a few moments as she moved to the pitching mound and started pitching wicked fast balls, well I assumed it was a fast ball anyway. 

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