Chapter 35- Alexander's Return

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Joeys POV

Two and a half weeks had passed by in the blink of an eye. My off campus privileges were given back, Spencer had turned all the missed homework in and all was going just fine. There were about 3 days or so left before Spencer was allowed off campus again and she was dealing with it just fine. She never complained about it, just casually a million times a day. It was amazing I was insane she kept complain about it. Apparently, there was some skatepark she liked to go to and let her stress out which was slowly building up sky-high. 

I’d decided to be a nice friend and stay with her so she wouldn't be insanely bored doing nothing alone. I guess the Headmaster thought she’d be busy doing the homework all this time but she got it all done pretty fast. She got tripped up on the math part though, she understood hers but with mine she had no clue at all. I ended up helping her a little bit so she could get thought it and after a quick explanation and some formulas given, she got it and finished it up in 2 days. 

Instead of going the skate-park like she wanted, she’d go outside and use the batting cage or run around the track for no less then 3 hours straight a day. Sometimes I’d join her when she went running or toss the ball around with her, just chatting idly about whatever came to our minds. We’d missed Halloween and yet somehow, we both ended up with a ton of candy from random people which was strange but both Spencer and I just enjoyed it, snacking on it all the time. 

Thanksgiving had been early this year and had also passed without much of a commotion. While many people went home, neither Spencer or I did since technically you could chose to go to class if your teacher also decided to stay which I found weird. You’d think being the third year here, I’d understand the system but nope, not at all. Spencer was just as weirded out as I was about the whole thing but neither of us cared much since at the time we were both still catching up. 

During the short Thanksgiving break, (no one showed up the day before Thanksgiving, thanksgiving or the day after), Spencer had worked non stop and finished off the work. Thanksgiving evening, the two of us went and had dinner together while our friends were summoned by their families to come home for the holiday. All in all, everything was basically going great and just fine.

At the moment, we were outside in the cold weather and I was watching Spencer hitting baseballs as hard as she could in the batting cage. She’d been in there for two hours straight already and refused to take a break until she hit three hundred homers. I think she was at two seventy something, I’d lost count since I’d moved off to run laps to stay warm and talk with Spencer. We didn’t have to yell to much since we were the only ones crazy enough to come out in this weather so our voice carried easily over the flat empty grounds. 

“Have you reached three hundred yet?” I called as I ran around the track. She laughed “No! I’m close! I got about 15 left!” come her answer. I hear the ball connect with the bat them the board at the end of the cage. “Homer or no?” I asked as I ran past. She shook her head “Nope, so close!” she says swinging the bat again. I smiled “Keep it up!” I call as I run at an easy jog. Spencer only grins and swings the bat again.

It takes enough half hour for her to get the goal she wanted before she stopped and stretched, drinking some water. She joined me a moment later on the track “How can you go from standing still for an hour and half, hitting baseballs to running around a track 25 times?” I asked having my head. She just laughs and shrugs “How can you continuously run laps at an even pace while I hit baseballs and run sprints?” she counters. I stick my tongue out at her “Shh i get your point” I say with a laugh.

She grins and kisses my head “Eww you’re all smelly!” I squeal pushing her away some. Spencer laughs and kissing my nose “So? You smell just as bad” she muses before running off to do her sprints. I glared playfully at her back and kept up my stead pace as she wan around me over and over, never breaking stride. At one point, I joined in and ran several sprints around with her before slowing back to my original pace which was fairy fast but not to fast since I’d been out forever. 

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