Chapter 15- Beaches & Boardwalks

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Spencer’s POV

Forty five minutes later, Joey’s four friends were finally ready. I ushered them all into my truck since it didn’t make sense to try and smash them all into car, which would’ve been no easy feat considering there were six of use and basically 4 seats. It took nearly half an hour to actually get I to the road since there was a long debate on who sat where, why and all that dumb stuff. I obviously had the wheel, I declared Joey take shotgun and no one argued that. It took a bit longer to decide about the other four but in the end, Charlie and Quinn took the truck bed and the rest of us in the car. I opened the window connecting the back to inside the car so that we could still talk to each other and all. 

"So, tell me again where we're going?" Quinn asks poking her head through the back window. I laugh and shake my head "I didn't say and you're not gonna find out till we get there. It'll take maybe an hour or less depending how many cars are around and if I feel like speeding" I answer laugh. "I swear Spencer if you speed I will rip your head off!" Charlie yells at me from behind Quinn. I snicker and nod, raising my hands for a moment in mock surrender, the car serving some. Thankfully there weren't any other cars around at the current moment. "PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON THE DAMN STEERING WHEEL RIGHT NOW SPENCER!!" Rose screeches from right behind me. I roll my eyes as I drop my hands "You people have no sense of danger and fun" I say fake pouting for a moment. I glance over at Joey who didn't have a readable expression at the angles we sat. 

"You okay Joey?" I ask looking at her concerned. She looks over at me, expression blank before shaking her head at me, a laugh escaping her lips. "Gods Spencer, just just might kill us. Don't scare me like that! I'm I'm the one sitting up here with you!" She says, her voice rising an octave. "Hey! We're in the truck bed with no seats or seat belts!" Charlie calls up. Joey whirls around "Hey, you chose to sit back there! It's terrifying up here with this madman!" She yells back. "Woman! I am a female thank you very much" I cal in an amused singsong voice. "Shut up and drive!" They all yell at me in unison, unplanned and on their own impulse. There's a pause of silence before we all burst out laughing. 

Silence laps between us all after some time, small conversations picking up here and there but not to long. Joey flips the radio on and finds some random channel, turning the sound up so that everyone could hear. Soon enough we're all jamming out to the music, having fun and passing around drinks and snacks I'd brought. It was like a mini road trip and I loved it. It seemed everyone was enjoying themselves as well, it was amazing. I hoped we could all take a road trip sometime, actually I had some plans up my sleeve but I wasn't gonna let that on quite yet. 

As we approached our destination, I turned the volume down some and looked at them all in the rear view mirror "Hey! We're almost here so clean up the back okay?" I ask them all. A trash bag is sent around and trash is tossed in it, bag tied up and tossed in the back of the truck. I smile as we get closer "And here we are!" I call, the others looking around eagerly. "The beach!? You brought us to the beach!?" Alice squeals excitedly. "Not only that, there's an amusement park!!!" Charlie hollers. I laugh and nods "Yep, found this place awhile back when I went exploring" I say smiling. "When was that? You're like always around?" Joey asks looking at me confused. I grin at her "Music isn't my only class and I'm not that good of a student" I say laughing as I pull into the lot. She looks at me confused for a moment "Wait, you skip your classes!? Spencer!" she shrieks, slapping my arm. I pout some "Joeyyyy that hurt!" I whine playfully. She glares at me "Then stop skipping your classes" she snaps back with a glare, a playful glint in her eye. 

"You think they'd be dating by now but no" Rose whispers to the others loud enough for us to hear. I just laugh as Joey turns red and starts to chase Rose around angrily but not really. I jump out and lock up the car, quickly tossing the trash out before turning to them all as we reach the gate. "Now, like I said I'm paying but you better have your wallets with credit cards, debit cards, cash or whatever ready, cuz I'm not buying you souvenirs or whatever. Just to get us all in for the whole day till it closes at like 10 or something. Have your phones on so we can stay in touch. We can stay together or break off in groups, whatever you want but the least is a pair. No one alone. Okay? I can't have you all going off somewhere random and something bad happen. I'm serious here. We'll meet up for dinner somewhere if we split up" I say seriously looking at them all. 

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