Chapter 27- Day 2!

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Joey’s POV

Back in the car, we drove down to who knows where. I didn’t exactly get why Spencer had randomly decided this, like was there some alternative motive besides just having fun? She was just too random and crazy for me to really comprehend sometimes, it was plain ridiculous. I wondered if she was like this back home as well or was it just here? I’d heard some rumor floating around that she’d been kicked out of practically every school back where she lived and was only here because her parents thought it’d help “get her act together” which I doubted automatically since you can’t exactly make people change. 

My thoughts were interrupted as the car suddenly lurches forward as it stops. I blinked and looked over at Spencer with a ‘the fuck are you doing’ type look but she wasn’t looking at me with the sheepish grin I was expecting. Instead, she was glaring in front of her, looking ready to kill something. An eyebrow rose slightly “You okay there?” I asked looking at her. Nodding, she points to the person in front of us "Yeah, this jackass just cut me off. Quite dangerously might I add and I wanna give him a piece of my mind but we have places to go" she says suddenly flashing me a grin. 

I just laugh and lean back in my seat "You're crazy" I muse as she maneuvers the car next to the guy who cut us off "Hold that thought" she says putting the window down and leaning out of the car slightly "Hey you! Idiot who cut me off! Do that again and I'll ram you head on!" She yells across the gap with a fierce scowl. The guy just looks at her, a bit startled by her little threat but has no time to reply since Spencer promptly stomped on the gas and sped off briskly down the road.

"Are you hungry? I'm hungry, let's stop somewhere Joey!" Spencer says after a few moments of silence pass by. I rolled my eyes as she jumps subjects so easily but not "I'm hungry too, where we gonna eat?" I asked as she pulled off the highway. She just shrugs and drives around aimlessly, looking for places that looked good. "Over there!" I yell upon seeing a Chinese restaurant. She laughs and jerks the wheel over to where I'd pointed, throwing us to one side a bit but I didn't mind since now my brain was focused on getting food. 

"We gotta stop and get food, clothes, chargers, maps, gas and whatever else too you know" I remind her as we get out of the car. Spencer just grins and nods "Oh I know but food first okay? Good eyes Jo, I hope this place is good!" She says leading the way in. I raise an eyebrow slightly at the nickname "Did you just give my nickname a nickname?" I inquire about amused by that. She nodded with a sly smirk "Sure did sweet-cheeks, got a problem with it?" Comes her answer, an eyebrow raised perfectly above her eye with a daring type look that looked playful at the same time. 

My cheeks heat up some as I shake my head, "No it's fine" I say as we sit. Personally, I liked that she'd come up with that on her own. I mean, it wasn't like I'd never been called that before but more or less people just called me Joey so her calling me Jo was kinda like having special little nicknames for each other. I liked it. Oh god, why do I care about this!? When did this happen? I mentally face palmed myself as I came to this realization. I was becoming comfortable with the crazy nutcase faster than I was back at school, by the end of this trip who knows how close we'd be! Great....

"Joey?" I blinked and looked up from the menu I'd picked up a couple minutes ago "Yeah?" I answered a little confused. Spencer laughs softly and shakes her head "You find what you want to eat?" She asks setting her own menu down. I blushed and shook my head "Uh not it all looks so good" I murmur looking at the menu. She nods in agreement, setting her menu and smiling at me. "What're you getting?" I asked perking over at her. 

"Whatever their special is" she answers promptly with a smile. I shut my own menu and set it down as the waiter comes over “I guess I’ll just have whatever you are” I told Spencer. She nods “Alright then, 2 of these please” she asks pointing to the dish. The lady smiles and nods, taking our menus “Drinks?” she asks before leaving. I looked at Spencer “Water is fine” I told her. She nods and turns to the waiter “2 water please” she says. The waiter nods and turns, walking off to do his job. 

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