Chapter 16- Sunsets and Confessions

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Joey’s POV

The roller coaster, was not to fun for me at all. I hated them even more now, they just scared me to death. I didn’t understand how Spencer could sit there all laid back and chill with it all. Maybe it was because of her hyper nature so she didn’t mind it or something of the sorts. 

After telling her no more roller coasters, she seemed fine with it and we went on to play some silly games. I was actually having some fun today, it was nice to do random things not on campus. We played a lot of carnival games which she refused to let me pay or any of them. She wouldn't let me pay for anything actually and I wasn't really sure how to feel about this. I objected of course and tried to pay for my own things but she'd somehow slip her debit card past me while we argued about it. It was sweet and sorta annoying at the same time. 

We didn't see any of the others for basically the test of the day until we met up again for dinner. Quinn and Alice had all sorts of prizes in their arm, Rose and Charlie as well. Spencer was carrying all of mine, she insisted and I just gave up trying to argue since she was so stubborn. Some of the things she'd actually won for me, it was sweet and adorable but I dared not tell her that. I didn't know how for one and I also didn't know how she'd react to it. I couldn't ask my friends since I knew they'd tease me about it all, going on how she liked me. I honestly was starting to believe them, I picked up on the little signs here and there. But could, no, would I return the feelings? I didn't know how I felt about it at all. It was so confusing. 

Thankfully, all my jumbled thoughts were interrupted as Quinn asks where we were eating and an argument broke out. I roll my eyes and smile slightly, amused at how childish they could all be. "Why don't we eat at a restaurant on the beach. That way we can just go on the beach when we're done. Either way, let's hurry and eat so we can get out on the beach before the sunsets" I chime in. Everyone shuts up and agrees, smiles all around as we head to the closest restaurant.

Spencer tells us that dinner was on her and so we all agreed happily, I mean, who doesn’t like free food? We got a table out side over looking the ocean so it was really nice. There were at least a few hours until sunset so we could go down to the beach when we had finished eating. 

Before the waiter arrived, Spencer told us to decide what we wanted to eat now so our food would arrive faster. So by the time a waiter came over to our table to get our drinks and order, we had what we wanted in mind. It took a few minutes to get everything in with certain specifics for a couple people but soon we were just hanging around, being our loud obnoxious selves. Thankfully not many people were outside so we weren’t really bothering anyone. 

“So, where’d you and Spencer go?” Quinn asks with a smirking grin. I blinked “Uh we went on a couple rides then played a bunch of the games. She won me this super cute stuffed animal thats somewhere in all these random prizes” I say excited as I start to poke through them. Rose chuckles and nods “Sounds like what Charlie and I did except Charlie here is not half gentleman Spencer is” she say poking Charlie in the side. Charlie laughs “Oh no, you can’t blame me for not winning you anything, you wouldn’t let me in the first place!” 

Alice laughs and shakes her head “Well that sounds fun, Quinn and I mostly went on rides. We ran into Charlie and Rose at one point at a food stand” Alice chimes in. I laugh and give up looking for the stuffed animal at the moment, leaning back in my chair and sipping my drink.

“We’re going to the beach after this right?” I ask as our food arrives. We dig in immediately, all very hungry from a fairly long day at this random beach board walk place. “I certainly hope so, lets stay long enough to catch the sunset” Quinn says through a mouth full of food. I make a face “Ew, Quinn finish eating before talking” I say. She just laughs and shrugs, finishing her food before speaking again “No but really, are you guys done yet?” she asks setting her fork down. 

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