Chapter 36- Don't Mess with Me

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Spencers POV

I'd been waiting for Joey, just sipping hot cocoa and watching stupid TV when Charlie had suddenly burst through my door, looking pale as paper. Barely able to speak from running so suddenly, she managed to get out that Alexander was here. He was downstairs in an old classroom and was plotting to take her away and do who knows what. Just hearing his name was enough to get my blood boiling.

I was up on my feet in seconds, out the door and halfway down the hall when Rose appeared next to me. "Alexander is a tricky fighter, he doesn't fight fair. Take this" she says and hands me a knife. My knife actually, one I kept in my desk hidden under papers and out of sight but there just incase. I raised an eyebrow and took it "I'll ask why and how you have this later, thank you" I say strapping it onto my waist and hiding it under my shirt.

Quinn runs up and hands me an old but strong bat. I grin and take it "Awesome, this'll be pretty useful actually" I say swinging it some. She just smiles faintly "Be careful, stay safe and alive" she says. I nod and race down the halls, gripping the bat tightly. I find the room pretty early, I can hear Alexander talking fairly loud. I caught the end of their deal thing and exuded it was time I break this up. Backing up, I ran and jumped into the air, kicking the door down with a perfect flying side kick. I dropped the bat near the door instantly, hiding it in the shadows quickly as Alexander recovered.

I saw Joey all tied up and that just did it, my whole demeanor changed. I was beyond pissed, beyond mad, beyond furious, he was going to die. I closed my eyes and flicked the bright lights on, waited a moment and slowly opened my eyes and smirked slightly. I took a step forward, moving so I was right in front of Alexander as he screamed at me. He knew this was gonna happen if I showed, he knew I was gonna kick his sorry ass from her to the depths of the deepest trench in the world. He was a dead man and I know it showed in my expression.

Everything had shut down, it was all about killing him now. His taunts and threats didn't scare me, his cruel smile was nothing compared to mine and I could see it. I noticed that quick reaction of surprise. Didn't know I had it in me Huh? Mr. Pretty boy was about to learn that I wasn't all that I appeared and I regretted not telling Joey about this sooner because now she'd have to see this ugly side of me. The side that was cold hearted, violent and just as cruel of not crueler than the man in front of me.

Looking him the eye, I spoke again "No one, and I mean no one, messes with the I love and care about. You hurt them...I hurt you back a hundred times worse" I knew I sounded rather erie. Deep down I was raging mad, I was terrified, I was sad, I was ready to kill. As we stood staring each other down, I could see myself reflected in his gaze. I could see the same look of wanting blood, wanting death and the look of danger. It was like to starving predators getting ready to fight over scarce food. The only different was, I was fighting to protect the girl I'd grown to life so much and he was fighting to torture he again. Like hell that was going to happen.

"Don't you dare untie her!" He suddenly screams. My gaze flicks to the table and I see Alice ripping away the gag and ropes holding Joey hostage. "Thank you Alice, you better leave. You to Joey, don't call the cops just yet because this guy deserves a beat down. Don't worry, it shouldn't take long, you can close the door and wait if you'd like" I said calmly, the same stone cold erie voice falling from my mouth. Alice looks a bit a taken back but just nods, pulling a reluctant Joey with her. "He's tricky! He's had a few cigs and is probably drunk, you'll face his worst if he's drunk! Please be careful..." Joey says quickly.

My gaze shifts over to her and I catch her gaze, holding her hazel eyes with my own blue grey one. For a moment, my features soften some as I nod slightly before returning to its coldness "Thank you, stay safe. I've got this" I say emotionlessly. She looked at me, scared, nervous worried and that scared me. Why was she scared? Because of me? I frowned slightly and looked at her hard for a moment but turned away as a flash of fear passed through her eyes. "Damn you! Come back here you stupid ungrateful bitch!" Alexander roars, totally loosing it.

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