Chapter 13- Sleepover

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Spencer’s POV

Needless to say, I was very excited to have Joey spend the night for a sleepover. I couldn't believe I'd managed to get her to stay over for the night, that in my book, was a very big accomplishment considering we'd hardly know each other for a year and she already trusted me. I get up and clean a few things up, eating the food she's cooked for me hungrily but not eating to fast. I wonder how sleeping would with but We could figure that out later when we were ready to sleep and all. 

I was now just milling around, waiting for Joey to return, a little nervous she'd decided not to stay after all but that though dispersed as someone knocked on my door lightly. I smile and walk over, opening it to find Joey standing there with her things and her friends behind her. I raise an eyebrow slightly at them all. Joey smiles sheepishly "They wanted to make sure you wouldn't try something me or something like that" she says. I just laugh, letting her in and stopping her friends. "You wanted to speak to me?" I inquire rather amused. 

"Now look here missy, don't you dare mess this shit up or you'll have to answer to all of us" Charlie threatens, having to rise up on her toes some to get sorta close to eye level. I smile "Now who in their right mind would think that would I mess this up? I'm pretty sure you all know I fancy her a lot" I answer with a shrug. "Ha! Told you Rose!" Quinn gloats. I roll my eyes at them "Don't worry. If I do something wrong, which I highly doubt, you may do whatever you please to make my life miserable" I say glancing back at Joey who was looking at some of my things. I smile slightly and look back at her best friends "Now if you'll excuse me, it's impolite to keep a guess waiting" I say cheekily before closing the door in their faces in a nice but rude kinda way. 

I smile and walk over to Joey curiously as she looked at my things. "Find anything that fancies your interest?" I ask from behind. She jumps and smiles, blushing some as she just shrugs "You have a lot of instruments around" she states after a few minutes. I nod and rub the back of my neck "Yeah...I didn't wanna leave them behind" I say with an awkward laugh. She smiles and nods "You must really love music huh?" She remarks grinning. I nod and laugh "Yeah I really do. You like it too right? The pianos your main instrument right?" I ask smiling. She nods some "Yes, I'd like to learn others though" she replies smiling over at me some. I grin "Well if anything here catches your eye I can teach you if you want" I offer instantly. Joey just laughs and nods "I'll keep that in mind" she agrees. 

I smile and walk to the mini kitchen to get some more Gatorade to drink before joining Joey again as she moved to sit on the couch. Silence laps between us but it wasn't particularly unpleasant. I rack my brain for something to say, something interesting or cool maybe no found myself wanting to impress her. Finally, I just come up with something simple to ask “What other things do you enjoy doing?” “Photography” come her immediate answer. I laugh and tilt my head “Photo huh? How long you been doing it?” I ask smiling. I shrugs slightly “Since I could hold a camera is what I’ve been told” she answers, her cheeks heating up some.

I chuckle and nod “Thats pretty cool, you’ll have to show me some of your pics sometime. You like or interested in anything else?” I ask moving back to the couch. I move some things aside so she could sit next to me. “I like piano of course and have wanted to learn guitar I guess. I can draw some but I’m not great at it” she says sitting next to me. I nod slightly and smile “Still pretty cool” I say smiling at her. Joey returns my smile after a moment, looking a bit nervous. 

I lean back into the couch, my body faxing hers some “Is there anything in particular you'd like to do this evening?” I ask, just looking at her. This seems to make her uncomfortable but she doesn’t say anything about it as she came up with her answer “Um…anything is fine by me…” she answers hesitantly. I tilt my head and shrug “Well I’m up for anything so it’s up to you really” I answer grinning. 

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