Chapter 14- What's with this kid?

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Joey’s POV

I never saw the ending to the movie, well I had, I’d seen it before actually but it always scared me regardless on how many times I’d seen it. Anyway, I didn’t see it this time since I ended up falling asleep sometime after Spencer. I was to tired to move and she had her arm around me, which I found strangely comforting and I liked it…anyhow, back to the point, I just decided to stay put. Curling up into her side since she was warm and I was not, I fell asleep easily. 

I didn’t wake once that whole night, sleeping peacefully without any disturbance, a first in a long time. Normally something would bother me and I’d wake or I’d have a nightmare and wake up yelling or something but not tonight. It was strange, almost scary that all the sudden, I wasn’t having a nightmare. It confused me but as usual I just ignored it and accepted that I’d slept quite well for once. 

I woke early enough the next day, yawning and stretching, careful not to disturb Spencer who was sound asleep next to me. I tilted my head slightly and just watched her sleep some before feeling kinda weird for watching and looked away. I stayed put since her arm was still somewhat tightly wrapped around me, not that I minded strangely. I sat there, looking around sleepily as the morning light peaked through the closed blinds. I look away from there to avoid going blind and look around her room again curiously. 

I noticed she had no pictures anywhere, no of her family and friends which slightly puzzled me. Everyone had pics of friends and family back home but not her for whatever reason. Everything was tidy which rather surprised me since her school bag always had papers ticking out from it. I yawned again and sigh, settling down some and just dozing since I didn't have anything else to do until Spencer woke up. I just lay there, half awake and thinking about some things here and there. 

Sometime later, I feel Spencer stir, yawning sleepy as she wakes from her peaceful slumber. I stay put, having mostly fallen back to sleep by now. She stops moving after a moment or two and then it goes silent. I yawn and rub my eyes, lifting my head sleepily as I look over at Spencer who was looking at me with a sleepily smile. 

I blush some and look away “M-morning” I stammer slightly. She chuckles and pulls me a bit closer, nuzzling the crook of my neck sleepily “Morning, how'd you sleep?” she asks, her voice thick with sleep still. My face turns so many different shades of red and yet I didn’t pull away or anything, just sat there in her arms rather comfortably.

“Um..I slept really well for once” I manage to say with out stuttering or anything. She smiles and daringly kisses my cheek lightly before letting go and getting up carefully. My cheeks burn as I look over at her as she just stretching, letting out another yawn. Why was she acting this way and why the hell was I letting her!? Gah, she was killing my defenses here and that bothered me. 

She smirks slightly, noticing my blush before plodding over to the kitchen “I hop you like eggs” she says, turning the oven on and pulling eggs from the mini fridge. I just sit there quietly, unsure what to say or do, my mind a whirl of thoughts and questions. It confused me and if I got to confused, I got scared and lashed out. I frown to myself, thinking about all this the best I could. 

My thoughts however were cut short when Spencer called my name “Joey? Breakfast is ready! Sorry if they don’t taste great or something, I’m not that great of a cook” she says with a chuckle as I walk over. She serves me a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon along with some Gatorade which was a little weird but I didn’t question it. I just sat down with her to eat breakfast. 

Silence laps between us and I start to feel very uncomfortable for some reason and Spencer of course notices, looking at me with a mix of worry and curiosity. I try and give her a reassuring smile, its safe to say it didn’t work to well because as soon as she’d swilled her food she spoke “Are you okay? You look rather uncomfortable" she states looking at me. I just nod slightly and finish up my own food “Yeah…I’m not used to this kinda stuff really” I answer softly. 

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