Chapter 38- Try & Stop Me

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Spencers POV

When Joey burst out from her room yelling my name, I knew I wasn’t fighting my Dad for nothing. Of course I used that and went all crazy again and once again got sedated for like the third time this night. As soon as My Dad stepped into my rom, I though eh was going to blow up but no he hugs me and then says ‘Oh yeah, by the way, I’m bring you back home in a couple day’ and thats how this all started. I mean, no he didn’t say it like that, but I went berserk on him, absolutely he just jumped that one me right after being awake for like 10 minutes. Not to mention, he added that Ryan would be moving in since his Dad didn’t want him anymore for whatever reason. Not that I cared at the moment, I’d deal with that later, right now it was fighting to stay here in America. 

I knew our voices could be herd all over the place and I’d been told multiple times I needed to be quiet but I just brushed that aside. I didn’t care if I was making a racket, I didn’t care if it was embarrassing my Dad, I was going to get what I wanted. Call me Daddy’s little girl, call me a prick, call me spoiled, I could care less. He could disown me, I could run away, I could care less. I just wanted one thing, and it was crazy to think about how far I’d go to get it but who cares? 

When I woke up again from being knocked out, it was boring once again and I had even more stupid things jabbed into my arm. I rolled my eye and just pulled them all out again, I didn’t want a dumb IV thing or morphine or things that monitored my stress levels and shit. Per usual, it alerted the people I was awake and the same nurse from yesterday ran in. I just yawned and waved hello as I sat up “Morning Nikki” I greet stretching carefully. 

She sighs and moves the chords “Morning Spencer, how're you feeling?” she asks sitting on the bed. I smiled some and shrugged “My throat hurts from yelling, I’m still pissed as hell but other then that, I’m fine. How’re you?” I asked yawning. She chuckles “I’m doing alright, been dealing with a crazy teen who rips our their IV chords and crap” she muses. I smirk slightly and give her thumbs up “Yeah, well stop sticking stuff in me and then you wont have to panic all the time” I say laughing. 

She swats my head “Shut up Spencer, it’s my job” she says as I try and duck. We’d gotten fairly close, as close as a doctor and patient can get since she kept having to deal with me and my craziness. She knew everything that was going on to, she was nice, young, pretty, understanding, all that fun stuff. “Pfft, go break some rules, live a little” I counter leaning back as I raise the bed up some. “I do have fun and live!” she protests. I laugh “Sure you do Nikki, sure you so” I tease shaking my head.

“Hey, I’m pretty sure our ideas of fun are very different” she argues. I just shrug “Doubtful, I like doing normal things all the time. Getting shot and stabbed isn’t a daily thing at all” I say rolling my eyes. Nikki raised an eyebrow “Really? Because according to your records from England hospitals, getting shot and knifed was a pretty frequent happening when you were a bit younger” she counters. My eyes narrow “Those stupid bastards cant keep a secret” I muttered with a huff. I get whacked across the head again “Watch the language missy” she snips with a smile. 

I scowl but does as she says, going quiet for a few moments “Why is my Dad overreacting about all this? Getting in these fights isn’t something new at all as you apparently now know, so why is he freaking out now?” I wondered aloud. Nikki shrugs “Maybe because he’s scared? I mean, just less then a year ago, you stopped all that. Maybe he’s afraid you might slip back into all that and is pulling you back close to keep an eye over you” she suggests thoughtfully. 

I nodded slightly “Yeah, okay that makes sense but Joey makes me happy. I’d never wanna resort to all that with her around and now he wants to take me away from her? Wouldn’t that technically be like, making me want to resort to violence and stuff again?” I countered with a raised eyebrow. Nikki nods slightly “Yes, that’s what I’d think to but I’m sure he has his reason. Why don’t you try asking him without yelling and just shut up and listen to him rather open your mouth and start cussing your head off. You might be surprised as to what he has to say” she advises standing up. 

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