Chapter 30- Disney World & Surprises

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Spencer's POV

Breakfast went on for another hour or so, both of us stuffing ourselves full of the glorious creation of pancakes. When the dishes were all cleaned and away, we started getting ready to head out. I knew Joey didn't really know what I had planned but I knew she'd love it either way. I was estimating we'd be here for at least 3 nights and in those days we'd visit Disney world, have a dinner, explore Florida, chat, hang out, relax, go to something fun and random. Basically chill, the only things I had set and planned was disney world and an aquarium on the way home that I thought she might like. Of course there'd be dinners or lunches where I'd take her out somewhere. Oh and we had to go gift shopping for her friends, hopefully that'd help them forgive me some for randomly leaving. 

Anyhow, while Joey was getting dressed, I gathered all our laundry up to wash while we were out. There was so much of it I could barely hold onto it all without dropping it all. Tossing it all in a bag, I call room service to take it down to the wash place things. I told them I'd pick it up and pay for it when I got back tonight. That only took a few minutes and when I was done with that, Joey was walking out of her room while fixing a grey beanie on her head. Smiling over at her, I grab the car keys and swing them around "Looking good there," I remark with a wink. She blushes and looks at the floor "Thanks" comes her mumbled answer. I laugh and throw an arm around her gently "Let's go princess, I have a lot planned and only a few days for it all" I say as we walk out the door. 

She looks at me curiously "Where are we going first?" She asks. I smile and decide to just tell her this part of it "Well, today we're off to Disney world for as log as you want" I reveal. She squeals happily, jumping around a little excitedly "Finally! I can't wait! Oh my god! Let's go! Hurry up Spencer!" She yells suddenly darting off down the halls and out the door to the car. I laugh at her kiddish behavior but jog out after her, unlocking the car so she could get in. Before I was even in the car she was ready to go and bouncing in her seat excitedly. Laughing again I reach over and pat her head lightly "Calm down princess, save that energy for when we get there" I miss as I start the car up. 

Soon enough, we're speeding down the streets and Joey is still ridiculously hyper about this all. I'd given up trying to calm her down, she'd wear out eventually...I hope anyway. Sadly though, when the entrance came into view she completely freaked out and I swear if I hadn't been driving she would've totally jumped outta the car right then and there. I had to laugh at her childish behavior because I found it so adorable but it was also a slight pain. I'd deal with it though, I was so utterly in love with this girl that I'd do anything just to make her happy. Funny part is, even I didn't really realize this. I just knew she had me whipped, wrapped around little finger and u didn't mind one bit. 

My subconscious thoughts were interrupted as Joey starts smacking my arm and pointing to something. Looking at her I follow her finger and see good old Mickey and Minnie Mouse at the front entrance. I laugh and park quickly, jumping out and grabbing Joeys hand before she could run off. "Calm down speedy, we'll see them and get to everything we can" I say kissing her head. That seems to calm her down some and she nods rapidly, gazed fixed on the two famous mice. Rolling my eyes, I head over to them with an amused smile. Good thing my phone was charged, I had a feeling today was going to be pretty long. 

Two hours later, we were finally taking a break from going on basically every single ride possible. Joey was dragging me all over the place, jumping on this ride and that. It didn't matter what kinda ride it was, she wanted to ride them all. I just smiled and agreed with her, joining them her on them all and taking pictures for memories. I swear I'd taken at least a million pics already and we still had the whole day ahead of us. I guess I'd just have to get a camera or something, I wanted pictures of everything.

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