Chapter 29- Lunch & Into the Night

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Joey’s POV

I glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled slightly as I saw that Spencer was out cold. I knew she was really tired and was trying not to pass out when she quickly taught me how to drive. Honestly, driving wasn’t all too new to me, I’ve had to drive before since certain ‘emergency’ situations called for me to drive people was nerve wracking, annoying, hazardous, a pain and I hated it. The only difference now was that I wasn’t being forced to do it, okay I was but I was also more than willing to do so since I knew Spencer had been up for about 2 days straight and was talking me on this ridiculous road trip. If I wasn’t allowed to pay for things then doing some driving was somewhat equal to it 

It wasn’t really but I liked to pretend so because otherwise I’d feel horrible indebted to Spencer, which I was, and I knew she didn’t want me to feel that way. I could tell she enjoyed spoiling me and while it made me feel bad, she knew not to go to overboard. Well, that was until this little trip. I wasn’t really sure if she had some motive behind all this but I didn’t mind. I liked spending time with her and there was never a dull moment. Everything was always fun and exciting.

Glancing at the Gps Spencer had set up for me, setting it to voice instructions. It highly amused me how she’d automatically changed the person to speak with a Brit accent rather than leave it with the set ‘American’ voice it had. Besides the person talking now and then, there was absolute silence, I couldn’t even hear the car running. I could faintly hear Spencer’s breathing but not often so it was pretty quiet and while pretty used to it, it kinda bothered me so I reached over and flicked the radio on. 

Music spewed out of the speakers softly, floating around the car but mainly in the front seats. Frowning slightly, I flip around the channels, looking for something interesting to listen to. It took me a few minutes since I wasn’t skilled at looking at the channel thing and keeping my eyes on the road  but after sometime, I found some random station and settled on it. Leaning back into the seat,I relaxed some more as I sped down the highway. 

Not even another 15 minutes passed before I started to get hungry again. I’d barely eaten a breakfast so it only made sense that like 3 hours later I was hungry again. Grumbling to myself, I glanced in the rearview mirror to figure out where all the food bags were. I realized it was amazing that none of the bags rolled on top of me or Spencer while we were sleeping. Or just fell over in general, there were so many of them when you really looked at it. I knew half of them had clothes that we needed to like pack up and put into duffel bags we now had but we hadn’t had the chance yet. Hopefully soon. I had absolutely no idea what plans Spencer had laid out for us. As long as it didn’t get us killed, land us in jail or chased by the cops, I was perfectly fine with anything. 

I yawned and reached back, grabbing the first bag my hand brushed against and found it was full of random breads. I laughed at this, wondering why Spencer had gotten all this. Well, food was food! I grabbed a bagel and started to eat it plain, not like we had a toaster in here or something. That’d be interesting though, maybe we could get one so we could eat on the road! Pfft yeah right, you’re just coming up with random ideas now. I thought to myself with a small laugh. I was starting to get board with the boring scenery and nothing to do really. How the hell had Spencer gone through a whole night like this? It’d only been like 2 hours or something and I was insanely bored. 

After some time time, I lost count of time ages ago, Spencer finally woke up and poked her head up in the front. “Morning” she murmured sleepily. I smiled slightly and glanced over at her “Morning sleepy head” I muse slightly with a laugh. She smiles and nods “I slept well, still tired but I’m all good now. Are we almost at the restaurant?” she asked yawning sleepily. I glanced at the GPS and nodded slightly “Yeah, in a few minutes I’ll pull off the highway and it should be like right there” I answered glancing over at Spencer who had now climbed into the front seat. 

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