Chapter 28- Day 3!

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Spencer's POV

I smiled to myself as I heard Joey finally doze off, her breathing just barely heard over the soft music that drifted around in the car. I smiled some and turned my attention back to the road, watching everything around me pass by. It was all so boring, not that highway driving was interesting in the first place. I sighed and turned auto control on so I could let my foot rest some. It was starting to hurt and go a bit numb which wasn't good at all so after I moved my foot away from the gas, I started to rotate it around and stretch it out. After a moment or two, I picked my phone up, navigating to the maps to see if I could figure things out.

So typically it took around 4 hours from Maine to Virginia but only if you drove straight to each place and Joey and I had stopped a couple times. It was the end of day 2 of our wonderful little road trip so I had to really hit the gas some and get down to Florida if I wanted to do this all in a week. I highly doubted that'd actually happen, I guessed this would end up taking just over a week. From where we were about now, it should only take a day of driving to get to Florida so I think all would be fine. I wasn't sure how long it would take to get home since it depended where we stopped and for how long, I was pretty much winging this whole thing.

Reaching over, I unplugged Joeys phone and switched it out with mine. Her screen lit up, showing a crap ton of texts all from the four friends back home. I laughed as I glanced over them curiously, most just asking where we were, how she was doing, if I was doing something horrid to her, demands for her to answer, what my phone number was. I was surprised they still didn't know it after all this time, I was glad they didn't otherwise they'd be killing my phone next. There were also a bunch of phone calls and voicemails. I laughed softly and shook my head, putting her phone down in the seat next to me and looked back at the dark road.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few cars on the road but not as many as the daytime usually held. Either way, it meant I didn't have to worry too much about crashing if I looked away from the road for a few moments or whatever. Call me a reckless driver if you wish but even looking away, I knew how to keep the car going forward and not drift into other lanes and what not. I was a freaking amazing driver, not that I performed great driving skills in front of others all the time, I mean, what fun would that be?

Another yawn passes through my lips as I stare ahead at the road, utterly bored out of my mind. Something needed to happen or I needed something to entertain myself until Joey woke up. Ug, Joey needs to learn how to drive so I'm not the only one dying during all night driving I think to myself, an idea suddenly forming in my head. If we had, hell I'd make the time, we'd find somewhere pretty boring and didn't have many other cars around. I'd teach her how to drive so she could trade off with half way through the night. As long as she didn't speed or whatever, we'd never get caught by cops and all. I don't suggest other people do this and all but I needed sleep and this trip was gonna be freaking amazing. Filled with craziness, fun, relaxation, random things, recklessness and but safety and good health as well.

I shook my head with a sigh "Something interesting please happen" I muttered leaning back and stretching out some. I made sure to keep my knees in place since they were currently holding the steering wheel in place since I was still on auto-drive. I picked my phone up again and started looking through it, glancing up at the road often to make sure the distance between me and the person in front was constant. Looking at my phone, I glanced through a few texts I'd gotten from my friends back home and started typing up simple replies. It was a wonder how my dad wasn't texting or calling me at the moment asking why I hadn't been in school the past three days.

Man I'd have a lot of explaining to do when we got home! I'd have to talk to the school, Joey's guardians, my parents, and her friends. Out of that whole list, the only people that scared me where Joey's friends. I could deal with the headmaster, my parents and Joeys guardians being pissed at me but man, Joeys friends could get crazy scary when pissed. I guess I should call them our friends but eh, that was a bit weird to me I guess since they hung out with Joey more than I did and all.

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