Chapter 20- Back Home

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Spencer's POV

The place ride back to England was horrible. Absolutely horrible. I officially hate airplanes and little kids. The whole ride home, some little annoying brats were like scramming their heads off or whatever. I could blast music and still be able to hear them, gods I swear I was ready to just knock them out cold.

Thankfully the plane landed before I had a chance to. I got off and walked down to where taxis and other cars wait. I spotted a limo not far away, like really how could you miss one? Heading over to it the driver butler dude stepped forward "Ms. Craine?" he inquires. I nod "That's me, lets hop to it dude" I answer. He gives me a strange look which I ignore, where the hell was my own personal chauffeur!? Like really, he knows I hate limos and crap! Ug man, I sounded like such a spoiled brat...I scoff at myself as I get into the limo.

The drive back to my home was like another hour and I was already tired from the plane ride here. I just sat on my phone the whole time, playing games or texting, sometimes looking at pictures from my time back at the school. I already missed them a lot, I was sure by now they'd found out I'd left and the letter I left. Yes I know, not the best way to do things but it was how I chose to do them.

Somewhere along the car ride, I'd dozed off and the next thing I know, I have my stepbrother yelling in my face to wake up. I didn't move as my senses came alive, tuning into everything that was going on. Before I'd finished, I got slapped "Wake up you good for nothing dyke!" he screams at me. I didn't move for another moment or two, trying not to loose my cool and punch him back. But being the impatient, self centered, rude, bully ass that he was, he had to go and kick my leg while shaking my shoulders roughly all while still yelling at me.

Oh that does it, my eyes snapped open, surprising him some as he stopped shaking and yelling. To late you ass I think to myself silently as I swing my fist and punch him square in the face. He fell backwards several steps, falling over on to his butt where I just stood over him with a smirk. "Well hello to you to Spence" he muttered rubbing his jaw with a scowl. I kick him between the legs and lean over, grabbing his shirt and yanking him towards me "One, don't you call me 'Spence' again. Two, stay out of my way while I'm here or I'll beat you up, and you know I can. Three, I'm obviously not in a good mood boy so don't test me" I growled dangerously before shoving him away and stalking off.

Welcome to my family people, see how dysfunctional it was? I couldn't stand my step brother. His name was Ryan. Age 19, around 6 feet tall, athletes build, well muscled light hair like our mother and brighter blue eyes then my own darker ones. Basically, a guy any girl or gay guy would drool over. He indeed had the looks but not the brains, he was incredibly stupid and arrogant. While I took martial arts, he flirted with the girls. While he flunked classes dating around, I was passing with high marks. Yes even with my horrible attitude and behavior, I got higher marks then he did.

He and I both played sports and were insanely competitive about it. Since we went to different schools, our teams played against each other and everyone knew of our hatred and rivalry we had against each other. He didn't have the same last name as I so not many people knew we were step siblings.

I never did understand why he was such an ass to me but I didn't care. I wasn't here to deal with him, I was here to see what was going on with my mother. Walking into the house I find my dad right away in the kitchen making food. Whatever it was, it smelled horrible. He wasn't the best of cooks but he tried so that was good enough for me. "I saw you punch Ryan" he says with out turning around. I blinked and shrugged "He deserved it" I muttered sitting down with a huff.

My dad just laughs some "I know, that was a nice punch by the way but try to get along with him" he says setting some food in front of me. I just shrugged as I tried to figure out what the hell he just made. "Dad?" I say looking at him. He looks over "Pizza" we say at the same time with a laugh. He picks the phone up to order pizza while I poke the food with my fork before tasting some and spitting it right out. Ug, he should leave the cooking to mum. Speaking of her...where was she?

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