Chapter 7- "Sleepover" With my roommates

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pic of Quinn on side

The next thing I know, someone's shaking my shoulder carefully and I jolt awake, panicking slightly but relax as I see it was just Quinn. She smiles at me as I yawn sleepily, looking around to see everyone here. "hey guys, whats up?" I murmur tiredly. I stand and stretch as they move to the couch and chairs in the TV area "Not much, we came to hang out. Wanna watch another movie? Sleep over kinda thing" Alice suggests with an eager smile. Charlie looks pretty interested in this, Rose and Quinn as well so I just agreed "Sure, get some food cooked up you pigs and lets put in a movie" I say with a laugh.

They cheer, already knowing I'd cave and let them stay. I yawn and sit up tiredly "Hey what time is it?" I ask Quinn as the other 3 raid the kitchen and start making food. "It's about 8 or so. We have a late opening tomorrow for whatever reason" she informs me. I nod and get up "Alright, well I'll leave you to set it all up, I'm going to change into my pajamas" I announce, heading to my room. The other 4 just grunt or don't reply at all, to engrossed with whatever 

I shake my head and change quickly, walking out and over to the window to look out. Of corse it was dark and I couldn't see a thing but I stood there looking out anyway for a few moments edits turning and heading out of my room. The lights were off and the movie preview stuff was rolling. My 4 friends were sprawled out on the couch and floor, munching on their choice of food. I sit on the end of the couch, swatting Alice's feet away. I tuck my feet under and just sit there, eyes glued to the screen. 

"So what movie are we seeing?" I ask after a few minutes. Rose grins "Red Riding Hood" she answers as the movie starts to play. I sigh and curl up in a blanket, half watching the movie as I started to doze off so. Screams pierce the air, causing me to jump but I see it was just the movie. I look around a bit sleepily, sporting that Rose and Charlie somewhat curled into each other, sound asleep. I smiled at that and look over at Quinn and Alice who were still wide awake. I could tell from the TV light that they were whispering to themselves about something. 

I sit up some and move over to them some "Hey guys what's up?" I ask quietly with a yawn. Their chatter stops and Quinn smiles over at me "Not much, we were just talking about how you three tend to fall asleep early into movies but you usually wake up while those two don't. And the fact they're always together when they doze off" Alice says. I eye them and shrug "Okay? Maybe they're just really close and like each others company a lot" I say not really getting what they were saying. Quinn smile and ruffles my hair some "Maybe so, you tired? We can stop the movie and all head to bed" she says changing the subject. 

I was to tired to really ask about what they were really up to so I just nodded "Yeah sure, I'll go to my room. Feel free to take the guest room and/or pull out the pull out bed here" I say getting up and shuffling over to my room. They nod and smile again "Will do, sleep well Joey" they chorus. I nod and enter my room, flopping over and scooting under the covers. Yawning, I curl up and slowly doze off, faintly hearing the sounds of a guitar playing again. I listen to that as I drift off in a peaceful slumber. 

The next morning I'm awoken to the smell of food. Jumping up quickly and exiting my room, I look around sleepily for the source of amazing smell. I blink and smile as I see Charlie at the stove. Of corse she would be, she was an amazing cook. The rest if us could cook fairly well but nothing compared to Charlie's cooking. I smile and wave a little "Morning Charlie, sleep well?" I ask walking over to see what was being served. She smiles "Morning Joey, I slept well and you?" She replies moving about the kitchen happily. I nod slightly "Yep, I slept well thanks for asking" I reply sitting down. 

Charlie smiles again at me as she serves me pancakes "That's good to hear. Rose is up but Quinn and Alice as still asleep in the guest room" she reports to me. I nod and look around for Rose curiously "She went back to our room to shower and change" Charlie says pulling more plate out and setting more food on the plates so when the others finally got up they could serve themselves. I nod and turn my attention to my food, digging in eagerly. I smile happily as I chow down on the food. 

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