Chapter 8- Becoming more Acquainted

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Lunch came pretty fast, my classes passing by quickly. We all got our lunches and sat down at our usual table. I spot Spencer walk in then out a few minutes later. I watch her curiously and get up, telling my friends that I was gunna head back to my room or the music room to practice some music. They didn't seem to surprised by this since it was normal for me to leave early. But this time, I was gunna follow Spencer. Stalkerish I know but for some reason she intrigued me and I was curious as to where she was going.

I was glad that there weren't like 7 classes to attend to everyday or something. I had that setup before before I arrived at this school and I hated it, it added so much more stress in my opinion. I was glad that this school wasn't like that. It mainly focused on what your interests were combined with the actual classes. Like music for example, it combined all the subject and we went over the different sections often enough. It was all fascinating to me.

I know most people hated school and thought it was boring and all, but I loved it. Mostly because I had to prove to my Aunt and Uncle that I was fit for this, I could handle it all. That I really was learning and getting an education here unlike all the other schools I'd been to in the past. That sending me here wasn't a waste of their money...

Getting up quickly, I walk out briskly and see her turn down a hall. Walking faster, I follow her some ways behind but keeping her in sight. I follow her, not really paying attention to where she was headed until I realized we were in the music hall way. I blink and watch as she enters the music room. I follow her in and see her talking to the teacher. I pretend that I was here to do something productive while she talked to Elizabeth for a moment before disappearing into the instrument room.

Elizabeth walks over and smiles softly "Need anything Joey?" she asks me. I smile and shake my head "No thanks, I'm just here to practice some. Are the piano rooms open?" I ask glancing over her shoulder. She smiles and shakes her head "No sorry. Jack is in one of them. He's working on a song I believe and Spencer just went into the other one. You can go see if she'll share. I know meeting new people isn't a strong point but why don't you give it a shot. You know her well enough by now right?" she asks smiling at me.

I give her a dry look and shrug "Yeah maybe..I don't know. I might just use the stage one" I answered turning and heading back to the practice rooms. Well, at least I knew where she was now. Elizabeth smiles and moves behind her desk sitting down. "Oh and Joey? I think that you and Spencer can really get along. You both have a love for music" she says just before I exit. I pause and look back at her curiously "What do you mean by that?" I ask.

She leans back in her chair "Well, I've talked to her a bit and she seems like a very nice person. Although you do have very different personalities, you both love music. Playing it, listening to it, watching it, creating it, and so on. I know her reactions to you are a little puzzling, even I can't figure that out, but why don't you get to know her and find out why? Maybe she just wants to befriend you" she says with a small shrug.

I just stare at her, not seeing at all how the two of us were similar. So what, we liked music, what did that have to do with anything? That was just one thing we had in common, nothing more or less. 'Oh come on, you know there could be so much more behind that silly smile.' my inner voice tells me, yes I have an inner voice that I talk to sometimes. I mentally roll my eyes and sigh to myself. 'But that doesn't mean that we'll actually get along'. I object as I turn and walk to the back. But even saying that to myself I knew that wasn't quite true.

I pause by the first door, listening to see who was in there. I hear piano playing then a pause then more piano playing. I smiled slightly and knew it was Jack, he was always composing music. He was a good composer to, he had an amazing talent. Moving on to the next room, I don't hear anything. I blink and raise my hand to knock lightly.

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