Fuck That

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~ Chapter Eight ~

"Kaden what the hell?! Get off me!" I yelled. She didn't tackle me in an attacking way, she was hugging me. She stood up and helped me stand up.

"Did you miss me?" She asked like a dumbass.

"Why would I miss you? You led me on for 4 months and told me you never really liked me!" I argued, fixing my clothes. She frowned as if she was confused.

"I told you I was lying. I did like you Ariana. You cheated on me and I was mad at you so I said that in the moment. You cheated!! You hurt me first so I had to hurt you back. But I miss you and it was never about getting out of my dad's house." She explained. I shook my head.

"How'd you even get to Miami?" I asked.

"I got into a college over here. I had to move so I figured I would come see you. How are you and Jakari?" She asked. I could tell she was serious.

"Me and her aren't together." I stated, walking towards my car.

"What happened? You cheated on me for a dead end?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I guess." I rolled my eyes and reached into my pocket, grabbing my keys. "Do you need something?"

"Can you at least give me a chance? If anything that's what you should be saying to me-"

"Hell nah. You're dismissed. I'm in a healthy relationship with my damn self. Bye Kaden. Enjoy college and stay off my property." I got into my car and drove to the food joint Dom asked me to go to. I got her smoothie and yogurt and got a smoothie for me. I was about to pull off from the place but a car hit the back of mine.

I didn't even get out. I sat back in my seat and sighed so loudly. People just want to make my day terrible. I looked in my mirror and seen an expensive looking car and their door opened. I opened mine too and stepped out.

I didn't even want to deal with this. I went to look at the damage they caused, it wasn't much but a dent and some scratches. I leaned against my car while waiting for the dumbass to get out of theirs. When they stepped out I was kind of taken aback but that didn't change how mad I was.

 When they stepped out I was kind of taken aback but that didn't change how mad I was

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"I'm so sorry. I just got some bad news so I was on my phone and didn't realize you had stopped. I have to be somewhere but if you could just take my number and we could take care of this later on please." She looked distraught.

"Alright I guess." I handed my phone to her and she put her number in and called it to show me it was the right number. She had saved her name as The girl that hit my car. I dropped my phone into my pocket and got back in the car.

I drove to the hospital and got a visitor sticker before going to Dom's room. She wasn't alone. Her sister was here. I brought her food in and sat it on the table and sat down while they talked.

"You sure you're alright Dom? If not you can stay with me for a while." Her sister offered.

"I'm fine sis. Stop worrying. I'll call you." Her sister kissed her forehead and left without acknowledging me. Probably because I'm the reason for this. I got up and sat next to Dom on the bed.

"I don't know about you but this just friends thing isn't working for me." Dom said frowning. I laughed and grabbed her hand.

"It's been less than a day-"

"You lying!" She was obviously hyped up on drugs.

"No I'm not. Did you go to sleep last night?" I asked.

"I got about an hour. But anyways, can I have a kiss?" She asked.

"That doesn't help with the just friends thing does it?" I asked, smirking.

"Friends kiss. Just kiss my cheek." She turned her face for me to kiss her cheek but when I leaned in she turned her head back so I ended up kissing her lips. I was about to pull away but she grabbed my face and didn't let me.

I had to kiss back. Her kisses are just irresistible. Her high ass kept biting my lip and making this worse for me. I had to pull away before I got too turned on. I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"That was unnecessary." I glared at her while she just licked her lips and looked me up and down.

"It was necessary.. Come here I was tryna get my hand in them pants but you got up too quick." She said reaching her hands out and biting her bottom lip. I laughed and sat down in a chair.

"I think you need to go to sleep Dom. I'm gonna go." I stood up and so did she, limping over to me. "Dom! Get back in bed what the hell?!"

She grabbed me and pushed me against the wall more because she needed stability.

"Fuck the friend shit Ariana. Yeah I got shot blah blah blah. Jakari locked up and ain't nobody else to worry about. I was willing to shoot her for you. I want you. Now say you'll be mine again before I pass out from this pain." She said holding herself up on my shoulder.

I picked her up and put her back on the bed. She boutta fuck her stitches up trying to talk to me.

"Okay Dom. I'm yours." I said. She started crying as if it was on cue. I looked at her in pure confusion.

"I'm just so happy. Is this how pregnant women feel with their hormones?" She sobbed in my arms.

"Baby calm down. Your smoothie is getting warm." I stated, rubbing her back.

"Fuck!! I forgot about it." She yanked away from me and grabbed the smoothie. There goes my attention. She makes me happy though.

 She makes me happy though

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