Rock The Boat

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~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

A limo waited outside for the 4 of us. I wasn't very eager to go on this date but all 3 women were so fine. Especially Suriya. Maybe because she's super tall and tatted up. I can barely remember how it feels to be submissive.

We all got into the limo and got situated. I was sitting next to Kris and Lola and Suriya sat across from us.

"So Ariana, I noticed a lot of studs here.. do you prefer studs?" Lola asked. Suriya stared at me waiting patiently for an answer.

"I never liked studs at one point. Then I completely changed and now I really find them attractive." I replied.

"So do me and her and Asani even have a chance?" She asked, pointing at Kris.

"You two are very gorgeous. I don't want to get ahead of myself but it's most likely going to be between you three, Asani and possibly Capri. I have to get to know you first." I explained.

"I promise you'll like me baby." Kris said with a wink.

"Mmm we'll see. What do y'all do for work?" I asked.

"I'm a model and I do hair." Lola said, flashing her pearly whites and flipping her long, blue hair.

"I'm an exotic dancer." Kris said before I could reply to Lola.

"So a stripper?" Suriya asked. Kris sucked her teeth and nodded.

"Yes a stripper but I make up to $6k a night. Enough to support myself and my wife." She quickly snapped back.

"I was just asking lil girl chill out." Suriya said back to her causing Kris to shoot a glare back at her.

"How old are you?" Kris asked Suriya.

"I'm 24." Kris silenced herself and sat back. Suriya sat forward and stared at her. "Are you not going to say how old you are?"

"I'm 19." Suriya nodded and sat back.

The limo came to a stop and the door opened. I was the last one out and Kris's ass was my view. A nice one at that. She is only 4 years younger than me but I feel like a pervert.

We were standing near a boat dock. The driver handed me a note that of course I had to read aloud.

Now that you've arrived, walk to the end of the dock to the white yacht and lunch will be waiting. Spend your two hours as you wish.

"I wonder what lunch is." Lola said. We all walked to the boat and got inside. There was a table filled with food on it. A private room a few feet away from it. A deck that wrapped around the room and a stairwell leading to the bottom room.

"This is so dope." Suriya said. "But I'm hungry."

We all sat down. We had nameplates on top of each plate cover. Suriya was next to me this time. Kris looked kind of mad even though she was across from me. I can already tell she's going to be clingy and a pain in the ass for the others.

I uncovered my plate and revealed a big ass burger and fries. There was a pitcher of water on the table along with a bottle of wine and a mini cooler full of sprite.

I poured myself some wine and almost laughed when I thought about how Kris can't drink any.

"So Suriya you never told us what you do." Kris said.

"I'm a pro basketball player." She responded without looking at her. She dug into her food and I followed that motion.


"I feel like this is impossible. With these two snapping at each other the whole date I haven't gotten any talking time with you." Lola said after we finished eating. 

"Closed mouths don't get fed honey. I insist on being fed." Kris said, looking at her then licking her lips at me.

"I'm not so extroverted." She said. I did feel kind of bad so I stood up, grabbed her hand and led her to the private room.

"You can't be ser-" I cut Kris off when I shut the door. The room was dimly lit with two comfy looking chairs and a bottle of champagne. I poured us both a glass and handed one to her.

"You didn't have to do that." She said.

"You haven't had time to talk. I was getting annoyed with Kris anyway."


We stepped off of the yacht and made our way back to the limo. All pretty tipsy. Before the limo driver shut the door-

"Take the scenic route!" Kris yelled. The door shut and we took off not long after.

"How about a game of truth or dare? But Ariana can't ask anyone truth or dare." Kris asked with smirk.

"I'm down." Suriya said. Lola and I nodded.

"I choose Ariana. Truth or dare?" Kris asked.


"How many women have you had sex with in your whole life?"

"At least 10 that I can think of." I said. Lola looked at me wide eyed. We made out a little in the private room.

"Over 7 years!" I said in my defense.

"Okay Suriya truth or dare?" Lola said.

"Mmmm Dare."

"I dare you to show us all your tattoos." Suriya obliged, pulling her shirt over her head. I immediately got turned on. Her chest was covered in tattoos and even more on her back.

"Ohhh did they hurt?"

"Some did, some didn't. Depends on where it was at."

"Now Lola, truth or dare?" Suriya asked.


"I dare you to give Kris a lap dance." Lola looked at Kris who was looking at Lola's body.

"Come on girl." Kris opened her arms and I put on a song for her. I wanted to see this. Lola moved to Kris and got on her lap, facing her. She started to move her hips to the beat of the song and Kris bit her lip.

Lola turned around and grind on her while sticking out her tongue, showing her tongue ring.

"Damnn can I pick two?" I said jokingly. Lola laughed and got back to her seat.

Kris chose truth surprisingly.

"Are you here for fame or to actually get with Ariana?" Lola asked.

"To be honest... I like the attention. I'm not looking for love. But I do like Ariana. I do want her. Just not forever." She answered. It got serious all of a sudden.

"Uh Suriya truth or dare?" Kris said, changing the subject.


"Again? Hmm I've never actually seen two studs kiss before so kiss Ariana." She said, crossing her legs and smiling.

Suriya licked her lips and leaned in. Her lips met mine and held on longer than I expected. It turned into my second make out session of the day.

"Wooooo it's getting hot in here!" Lola said. Suriya pulled away with an accomplished smile. I was left hot and bothered. I had to pour another glass of champagne.


We arrived back at the house around 5pm. It was time for confessions again. I was first.

"Ariana tell us about the date." The interviewer said.

"That date was something else. Kris and Suriya clearly got a problem with each other. That lil time with Lola was nice. She's a good kisser. But Suriya's a better kisser." I replied with a laugh.

"Who do you think you connected with the most?"

"Lola.. just because we had more time to talk. But I definitely want to get to know more of Suriya. Kris? She said all she needed to say."

"Alright see you tomorrow."

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