15- Reunion

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The two men stood frozen.                                                                                                

Ted’s hands shook as he held the gun. Glenn decided to take advantage of his nerves and took a few steps forward.                                                                                                  

“Stop, just stop.”  Ted whispered. Glenn stared him down but halted.                                                         “I’m going to kill you, no matter how this plays out.”                                                                                                                      

Ted’s eerie words queued silence. All that could be heard was the even sounds of their breathing. “Everything’s fine buddy, just tell me where you got the car hey?” Glenn said in a steady voice. Ted stepped forward ever so slightly and held his breath, “You a noisy lil’ Asian aren’t ya?”  

Glenn rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk properly?” he suggested. Ted’s lip twitched and he moved closer until he stood directly in front of Glenn with the gun pointed at his forehead.  In the silence that followed, Glenn decided to take advantage of the weak and unstable looking man. Glenn slapped the gun out of Ted’s slippery hand and he punched him square in the face. Ted toppled over backwards and landed with a thud on the ground. A slight moan escaped his mouth and he settled into an unconscious state. Glenn breathed out in relief and kicked the gun further away. He turned to peer out the door to find Maggie gazing out her window to the opposite side of the road. Glenn walked forward and crouched down next to Ted’s still body. Glenn was sure he didn’t punch him that hard, but maybe the man was just that weak.

What happened next, no one could have expected. The sheer brutality of it is just an evil reminder that no one, no matter how strong, well supplied or expertised, is completely safe in the new world. You can try your utmost to outlast, outwit and survive but the inevitable will come, and boy it will come hard. The moment it happens, you either congratulate yourself for making it that far or you wallow in self-pity and fear what awaits you on the other side. Hell if the world looks like this, what insidious evil waits on the other side? But some say the worse pain is leaving this world not knowing whether those you have loved and protected will be survive without you. Will they recover from their loss and move on, or will they lose themselves in the process? Glenn had never given this much thought until he acknowledged his feelings for Maggie. They were a team, and they would die together as a team.  Or so he thought, but have you ever heard of someone planning their death and getting it right? At the present moment, Glenn remained crouched down next to Ted. Ted‘s breathing became shallow and Glenn once again questioned his strength. He leaned forward, over Ted, and laid two fingers on the thick vein in his neck. His pulse was surprisingly strong for such a shallow breathing man.  In a moment so quick that Glenn didn’t realise what happened until after it was done, Ted had plunged his dirty knife into Glenn’s neck. 

Ted’s act of being badly injured had succeeded. His one hand had rested above the bump in his pocket, which held his ragged old knife, and he waited for the perfect moment. As soon as Glenn’s fingers touched his neck, Ted knew he would be momentarily distracted. Ted acted lightning fast and tore the blade out his pocket and slammed it into Glenn’s neck. Glenn collapsed next to Ted and coughed blood. His eyes were big, glassy and shocked. Ted grinned as wide as he could and tortuously pulled the blade out of Glenn’s neck. Blood squirted out onto Ted’s grinning face. Glenn slowly choked on his warm blood and gurgled what sounded to be like Maggie’s name a few times before falling back. His breath was bubbly and he lay in a pool of his blood. As Glenn passed over, nothing and no one else, except Maggie was in his thoughts.

“DARYL! DARYL!” Ted shrieked. His voice was high pitched and squeaky. He licked his lips and tasted blood. The taste intrigued him and he dipped his fingers into the fresh blood and brought them to his mouth. He stuck the tip of his tongue out just a little to taste. Ted ended up licking both fingers and was considering dipping his finger into the hole in Glenn’s neck.  Daryl had heard the commotion from inside the bathroom but was distracted when a walker slammed open one of the stall doors and snarled at him. He threw his knife at its head with dead on precision and went to retrieve it. He heard Ted screaming for him and half ran back. Daryl skidded to a halt and felt sick when he saw Ted with his bloody fingers in his mouth.

“What the hell, Ted? You just kill that man?” Daryl spat.                      

Daryl looked at the man again, and then froze. Glenn Rhee. Glenn Rhee lay dead with a hole in his neck. Daryl expected to feel rage straight away but nothing came. He stood motionless in the same frozen position with a blank face. Glenn Rhee… Daryl wasn’t sure when he had moved but he somehow ended up standing over Glenn’s body. He collapsed to his knees and a wave of immense sadness flooded him. Glenn Rhee. Dead. Gone. Tears came and Daryl cried out his name before sobbing hysterically. He fell onto Glenn’s body and sobbed.

“Aw, don’t cry man. He was gon’ kill us anyway.” Ted spoke between suckles. Daryl’s sobs immediately subsided. The rage finally came. He twisted around and leaped forward into Ted, knocking them both over. Daryl raised his fist and he hit Ted until his face was a bloody mess. Daryl stopped short after Ted made a bloody noise. Daryl wrapped his hands around Ted’s throat and squeezed. Daryl heard the bar doors bang open and a stuttered cry. He looked up and saw Maggie. Maggie.

Daryl looked down at himself covered in a mixture of Ted and Glenn’s blood. Daryl looked at the now almost coma-looking Ted. Daryl looked at Glenn’s limp body. Daryl slowly stood up and cleared his throat. Maggie stared at him with emotionless eyes.Daryl stared back at her with defeat in his face.

“I’m gon’ kill this son of a bitch, Maggie.” His voice broke. “I swear to God I’m gon kill-” 

Daryl’s words were blocked out by the sound of Maggie’s screams. The tears came and she entered a hysterical state. Daryl couldn’t take it anymore. The sight of Maggie screaming into the wall and beating her fists against it was too much. Daryl spun around and kicked the chairs over. He picked one up and slammed it into the wall behind him full of pictures. The glass shattered and Daryl cried out in rage. His fit of blind fury continued as he threw glasses onto the floor. Maggie looked up at Daryl and threw cusses his way.

Happy reunion everybody.


rip, Glenn.

Sorry for taking forever to update, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

love you all x

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