Chapter 5

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MARCH 1OTH, 2017 

I have been selected to go work with Team USA in the World Baseball Classic and I couldn't be more excited for this opportunity. Kris was a little skeptical about letting me leave his side because he thought he was going to lose me again. 

I have assured him thousands of times that no other baseball player was going to take me away from him. He's just super protective of me, that's all and it's cute but it does get annoying sometimes. 

I flew into Miami a couple of days ago and today is our first game of the first round and we were playing Colombia. If we win 2 games we advance to San Diego and then if we win there, we move on to the Semis in L.A. and if we win the Semis we move on to the Championship round and hopefully win. 

I got up around 9 and got into the shower and got ready for the game ahead of us which I knew was going to be a good one. I put on my USA shirt and jeans and put on some converse and made my way downstairs to mingle with the players and get to know them. 

I grabbed my plate of food and then Adam Jones waved me over to his table. "Hey there pretty one, how's everything going in Arizona?" He asked as I sat down. I had known Adam after meeting him at one of the O's games while I lived in Maryland and we kept in touch ever since. 

"Wait you know her?" Christian Yelich asked. "Yes sir, I met her at one of my games and it was love ever since." I laughed. "Oh you're so funny. No it wasn't love, we met after one of his games in a bar and we've been friends ever since." I said and smiled at him. 

"So you're single?" Giancarlo added in and I laughed. "I am not actually. I'm dating a Cubs player." I said with a smile thinking about Kris. "Let me guess, Anthony?" Christian said and I shook my head no. 

"Then it has to be Kris." Giancarlo said and I smile and nodded my head. "Yo he finally asked you out? It's been a long time coming." Adam said. "He did and on Valentines Day. You see confused boys over here, Kris and I had been friends since we were six, when I was fifteen, I moved to Maryland. I moved back to Vegas in November, didn't tell Kris. Got the job with the Cubs in February, saw Kris again for the first time in 8 years and then it all fell into place." I said. 

"So it's basically like a love story out of those fan fictions girls write." I busted out laughing because that's what our love story sounded like. "Yeah basically." I said through my laughter. We all continued talking and getting to know each other. 

"Alright squad listen up!" The coach said getting everyones attention and we all turned to him and he gave us a lengthy speech about the game tonight and how everyone is going to do good and how we can win because this is an all star squad if you think about it.

He let us go and we got on the bus to go to Marlin's Park and get ready for the game. My phone was ringing as I was walking to the field and Kris was face timing me. "Hello there Mr. Bryant, what can I do for you?" I said as I walked into the home dugout. 

"Just wanted to talk to my beautiful girlfriend, how is it down there?" He asked and I smiled as the boys were goofing off taking BP. "It's amazing. This park is beautiful and the guys are awesome and goofy to be around. They remind me of when I'm back with you guys." I said and he smiled at me. 

"That's good, we miss you around here though, it's not the same." He said with a pout. "I know, but I'll be back soon, but hopefully not too soon because I want these guys to go all the way. They're so dedicated." I said and he nodded. 

"No falling for other guys?" And just as I was about to answer Adam popped in next to me. "Hey Kris!" He said and I laughed, he came at the worst time possible. "Hey there Adam, make sure my girl doesn't fall in love with any of the single ones, got it?" He said, here comes overprotective Kristopher Lee. 

Adam laughed. "Wouldn't dream of it bro, you two are meant to be, I'll see ya later Kris. Sky come on, we gotta go." He said before going off leaving me with Kris alone. "No guys babe, I gotta go so I'll talk to you when I get back to the hotel okay?" I said and he nodded and we said our goodbyes. 

I went back into the clubhouse where the guys were goofing around like usual and this time I just joined the fun in playing pranks on everyone. Leyland put up the starting lineup and Yelich wasn't in so me and him just chilled out during the game. 

"You know I can't help but tell you how beautiful you are." He said as we were watching the game. I sighed and smiled at him, I know he was just being nice so I didn't want to be rude to him, but I didn't want to give off that vibe like I'm flirting with him. 

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." I said to him and he smiled. Just as he was about to respond, Leyland called him. "Yelich, get ready you're pinch hitting." He said and Christian got up and got ready. 

"Yelich, score the game winning run for me." I said and he winked and got up. He hit a single and then Jones came up to bat while Yelich was on third and got a single and he scored the game winning run. 

Well all be damned, he did it. They were out on the field celebrating and Christian came over to the dugout where I was standing by the railing. "Well you did it, I can't believe you did it though that was crazy." I said and he laughed. 

"Come out with us tonight, we're going to the club." He said and I thought about it, I didn't want to get drunk because I might cheat on Kris, but I wanted to have fun. "Yeah that sounds like a good time." I said and he smiled and went down into the clubhouse.

Everyone went through interviews and then we all went back to the hotel and changed. (outfit in media). There was a knock on my door and I went and saw it was Adam and let him in. "I swear to god if you get drunk, one of the guys is going to take advantage of you, you know that right?" He said sitting on the bed while I put my shoes on. 

"I know, which is why I'm trusting you to not get me drunk." I said looking at him and then walking out of the room. "I can't promise anything princess." He said catching up to me and I just rolled my eyes. 

We got down to the lobby and met up with the guys. I overheard Giancarlo and Christian talking as we were walking to the cab. "Bro, please keep me away from her tonight, she looks too damn good to be with Kris." I rolled my eyes at that one. "Are you eavesdropping like I am?" Adam said next to me and I shook my head yes. 

"Bro, she's not going to do anything with you. She's been trying to get with Kris since she left Vegas, she ain't going to cheat on him with your dumb ass." I couldn't help but let out a little laugh and neither could Adam. 

"G, have you seen her? She's drop dead gorgeous, I have to have her." He said and I heard G sigh. "Boy if you fuck up her relationship, you're a douche." G said and he was right, it would be a douchey move, but I would be lying if I said I didn't find Christian attractive. 

We finally got our cab and then went to the club. One of the guys bought a round of shots, and you know the night is going to be awesome when someone buys rounds of shots. By 2 A.M., I'm drunk as can be, like really drunk. 

I haven't been this drunk since college. Kris has texted me multiple times and Adam took my phone away and has been keeping him updated. We got back to the hotel and Christian was bringing me back to my room. 

"Christian, don't even think about it." G said before we went into my room and god knows what he was talking about because you know, drunky me doesn't know what's going on. 

"Stay please?" I said giving Christian the pouty face. "Skylar, you have a boyfriend." He warned before looking at me on the bed. "I don't care please?" I said taking off my heels and top and bottoms till I was just in my underwear. 

"Fuck" He mumbled under his breath. "Come please me." I said acting all innocent, I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew I'd regret it in the morning.

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