Chapter 10: The Decison I Made

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  It really became hard to talk to Prompto now a days. All the time when I saw him, I was always sacred thinking he might again come to talk to me about Noctis, I always ran away whenever I saw him. Well, good news was I didn't get a look of the Prince these days, or else I could give up on my life. Well this thing was better I must say. I was really sick about running away all the time, but still I couldn't face the reality, like to go and to talk to Prompto right on his face, so there was no other choice for me but to run away.

  One day, suddenly our captain summoned us, Kingsglaive warrior. He told us that Nifs' emperor Ideolas Aldercapt would come to visit the palace. We really didn't have any idea when Nifs, the enemy of Crown City over 150 years, started to plan on visiting the palace. When we asked about it, captain said it happened suddenly, nobody knew about it from earlier. That was when a thinking stricked in my mind. Why Niflhiem would want to visit the palace? Even if I knew that it maybe because of that so-called "Peace treaty", but still, what was the real reason behind that peace treaty? Surely enough they wouldn't just come and sign the treaty, taking over Lucis' border and forcing the prince and princess into marriage and walked away saying 'Goodbye, we are friends now king', without doing nothing! Wonder what was their true intentions....

  As planned, Niflhiem emperor Aldercapt and chancellor Izunia had came to visit the palace by car, not for the signing of that peace treaty, but for a little traveling, simply put, they came for roaming around the city. And so basically all the glaives took in charge of everything, wherever we needed. It was going quite well, until Niflhiem Dreadnoughts came in sight..... Whenever they came something bad always happened.

  After spending some time by roaming around the city, mostly likely, devicing a plan how to destroy the city, Niflhiem finally made their move. I was standing on the main gate of the palace, wearing Kingsglaive uniform, suddenly I heard a blast from inside the palace. In my Bluetooth earpiece, I could hear Nyx was saying to me to go inside and find the king and the prince. Without hesitating I ran inside the palace to know their whereabouts. I did knew that I hated him from the bottom of my heart, but that was not the time for ranting about stupid things. To protect the prince and the king were the important duties we had to do as a Kingsglaive.

  Well according to the order, I went inside the palace to look for those two members of Caelum bloodline. First I found the king with a slight wound on his hand, in the throne room. I treated his hand and walked out of that room to find the prince. Soon enough, we would able to find the prince, who was slashing M.T.s. I talked to Nyx about completion in finding both the king and the prince, he told me to take a back root to get out of the palace and deliver them to Libertus. So we were running towards the direction where Libertus was waiting for the royal people to take them to the some sort of hideout.

  We were somewhat running through a hallway, most likely a dark alley, prince was talking to his father to which I didn't pay attention at all. He then asked to me, "Hey, where are we going, Cat?"

  I really didn't want to give any answer of this question, but then again, it would show to people, rather to the king, that a glaive didn't obey a prince's order. So I said with a deep voice, without looking at the prince, "To somewhere safe."

  King Regis asked me, "But where to?" Prince Noctis wanted to ask the same question but before that the king had asked. "That something Libertus knows, not me. I'm sorry." I stated in the same deep voice, indicating not to ask me further questions, but guess someone didn't understand my wish quite well.

  "But, I really want to fight for this city. Why do I have to run away?" In this question of the prince, neither the king nor I gave any answer. He was still quite babbling about joining in the fight but I didn't gave any attention to him. The king maybe thinking some stuff like not hearing prince's words wasn't good, but seriously I didn't care about that. At the end I successfully delivered them to Libertus Ostium and I ran away to fight and protect the palace. Last time before leaving I heard his majesty was saying to me, "Cat, please promise me not to die just now?" I turned towards him and said, putting on a fake smile on my face, "Maybe yeah!" Although, I really couldn't promise something like that to his majesty.

  So, after handing them over to Libertus Ostium, I ran towards the battlefield, where I really needed. After a long time of slashing a bunch of M.T.s I heard some voice in my Bluetooth earpiece.

  "I'm sorry..." Libertus said with a sad tone through my earpiece.

  "For what?" I didn't really understand for what reason he said sorry to me, especially to me.

  "I'm sorry for not able to send them in a place where they can be protected...."

  "WHAT?! Why can't you...?"

  "I tried to but didn't able to stop Nifs' attack and so the car get destroyed. Don't worry, the king is fine here, he is with me, but the prince....." Libertus again trailed off. I really did have a nasty feeling for the prince. He could do anything at any time, knowing his own stupid ego, and that was the most dangerous time, as the Lucian prince would never heard any other options when he made up his mind.

  "But the prince..... He went on to fight with Niflhiem. It looked like he was finally happy that they broke the car, so that he could kick their asses. And so, maybe he was heading towards your direction." Libertus said with a hint of annoyance. I could feel him, because I know what happened when he got on our nerves.

  "Tch. Why can't his highness stay still and listen to our words for damn sake?!" I cursed the prince, most likely taking it all out on Libertus.

  "Whatever it is we can't do anything now. Faith is against us, so we have to do what we can do." Well to say the truth, this voice was new to us, as I, rather we, didn't really remember him joining in our conversation, still both of us recognised the voice right away. 

  "Nyx?" Both of us said in unison with a hint of disbelief. Nyx didn't gave any answer of this, but he said, "Cat, take care of the prince, if he heads towards your direction. Knowing your past, he would come to you. So keep an eye on him. Okay?" I said 'hmmm' as a response.

  Shortly after, when I was still busy with eliminating MagiTek soldiers, I saw the prince was already in the game. I didn't really wish to make an eye contact with him, but I could feel his gaze was still lingering on me. It really felt uneasy for me, so I decided to go a little further away from him, so that his vision didn't hunt me like a ghost. And that was the first time, I made a mistake.

  It was near the palace where I was fighting with Nifs which was pretty far away from the place where I was fighting earlier. Even though I was fighting, but my mind was somewhere else. I suddenly heard a loud cry, which really filled me with fear, because I recognised that voice. It was none other than prince's!

  Without thinking something before, my body just started to run all by itself. When I reached at the old place which I entrusted the prince with, I saw there just left his body covered with blood, and a M.T. was trying to finish him with its final blow. My eyes become widen, just like it would come out from my body and colour was drawn out from my face. I turned into a pale ghost, watching the armoured soldier fulfilling its duty as a Niflhiem soldier. I watched the whole situation, standing like a statue. That was the time when I understood something. It was:

  The decision I made..... Was a wrong one!

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