Chapter 6- Secrets and Lies Ty

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Yes, Spark, I know Bakka is Japanese for stupid xD :3 das why I used it. Welp. On with le story~OH I KINDA HURT DEADLOX HERE SORRY GUYS

.-Ty's POV-.
I smiled at the group of boys before me, awkwardly tugging at the sleeve of my dark gray sweatshirt. My shoulder was killing me after my father had nearly pulled it out of its socket- and it didn't help that they were fooling around and getting dangerously close to hitting it. After what seemed like seconds, Bodil finally hit Sky, sending him to me, in the process hitting my bad shoulder. I could hear a loud, sickening Snap. "What was that?" Asked a rather curious Mitch "M-my...Shoulder..." I said as my eyes clouded with pain "HOLY SHIT! How does that even happen? I barely hit you!" Shouted Sky, grabbing practically everyone's attention. I quickly calmed myself, used to far worse pain, and responded calmly. "I hurt...myself...falling down the stairs, and um... I guess it didn't heal properly." I said, proud that I didn't give the real reason away. "How are you so calm?" Asked Jerome. "The real question is, can you move your arm, or does it hurt when you do?" Asked Seto, coming over to help. (SORRY FOR RANDOM THIS SPARK BUT ITS INTERESTING K SORRY XD) I sharply inhaled as I moved my arm. "I'll be fine, I'll be fine" I said ignoring the worried glances of my newly found companions. "I always am." I added quietly. Seto ran out, probably to get a nurse. I hoped that she wouldn't actually have to LOOK at my arm, then she'd see all the cuts and bruises. Seto came in, followed by what I presumed to be a nurse. I was most likely the most calm out of the table at the moment, and everyone though it was because of 'the shock'. The nurse came over, and asked "Which one of your arms was injured?" I calmly stood up, and answered with a simple "me." She quickly told me to follow her, and I obeyed, and so did a couple of the others from my new group of friends. More specifically, Mitch, Jerome, Sky and Seto. "Would you like me to call your parents, sweetie?" (MY NURSE CALLS ME HON AND SWEETIE LIKE NO STOP) "No! Erm- they're at work, and they can't be bothered." I quickly replied. Lies. That's all I've been telling today. If my parents find out about this, they'll kill me. They said so themselves.

SO I DID IT~ sorry for random injury but yeah... xD welp. I hope your all enjoying our story! Farewell my Pharos~

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