Chapter 16- I Guess; Ty (short)

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.-Ty's POV-.

Last time:

"Is there anything wrong with being gay?"

This time:

"What do you mean?" Sky asked, looking down at me. "I-I mean, like, is it really a bad thing?" I asked, trying to contain my emotions as I looked down at my feet. "My parents always said it was a sin..." 'I am a child born of sins...' I thought.' (It'll be explained later in the story, okay? Me and Spark have it planned out.) He wasn't saying anything. "It-erm..." He was looking for a good explanation- I knew it. "Oh...okay. I was just curious..." I muttered playing with the hedgehog some more. "It depends! I mean- I guess it's not a bad thing?" He said- or questioned. "Oh." I whispered. There was an awkward silence. "Don't you have to ask the guys?" I asked, looking up at him. His eyes almost automatically started shining with enthusiasm. "Oh, yeah! I'll call them now~" he said happily. He searched his pockets. "Need a phone?" I asked, smirking. "Yeah." I handed him mine. "Here." "Thanks..." He muttered, most likely calling Mitch. Yup- I could here his voice over the phone. "Hello? Who is this?" He asked. "Sky." He said, walking away some for privacy.

I did a think xD okay. So. You get to do the phone call, HAVE FUN HAHAHA. xD anyway, farewell, my Pharos x3

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