Day 3

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|Edited: 04/13/17|

Star went to the library which was as big as the one in Beauty and the Beast. As she stepped inside, she saw a table with an open book on top. Walking towards the book, she examined it. Brown, leather cover, 500-year-old-looking page, almost her spell book, but smaller. Almost. She lifted the book in her arms and began to read.

Pencil and Eraser.

She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh.
Star's mind drifted to her friends.. Janna, Glossaryck, Ferguson, Alfonso, Oscar, Jackie... Marco. All their best memories together. Janna, who made Star the president of detention. Glossaryck, whom she considered someone she'd trust. Ferguson and Alfonso, who stood by her side. Oscar, who she thought she had a crush on. Jackie, who she brought together with Marco. Marco, who she lost.

If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up.
Marco, who she fought with against Toffee. Who helped her during her hard times. Who danced with her under the red moonlight. Who she sacrificed her happiness for. Who she keeps on thinking about. Who she thought of. Who she had pushed away. Towards Jackie.

She is the one that always says sorry, even if it's not her fault.
She remembered every mistake she had made. Losing Glossaryck, not listening to him, for letting jealousy fill her heart. For allowing the pain to harden her heart. For not making everyone happy. For not being there at all times. For not being the perfect friend.

Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know.
She remembered it clearly. When she pushed Marco towards Jackie. Letting a fake smile form across her face. Letting tears stream down her face once she was alone. Letting her heart ache. Letting him fade from view. Letting them be. Leaving them to be with each other. Letting them have something she doesn't have: happiness.

This is the girl who is afraid of love, because she has already lost too much.
She lost so many people in her life. And they all left a mark on her. But Marco left a scar. How does that moment haunt her, torture her, make her think of what might have been? The shadows drown her in, whispering her regrets in the endless void that captured her. When she is forgotten in Marco's mind, would her story be complete? Would it mark the end, and leave no happy beginning?

Star Butterfly. A wingless butterfly, a royally heartbroken star.

Marco paced his room, walking back and forth. The past minutes dragged on as Marco tried formulating a plan to get to Star. That is, when a bright blue light emitted the room. He covered his eyes when the Queen of Mewni appeared. She was wearing her armor, though it seemed as if it had been used in battle.

"Marco, there isn't much time, we have to leave," she said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him in the portal that she made. "What? What's wrong?" Marco asked when he was an inch away from the portal. Moon said one thing that made him forget what was happening:

"Something happened to Star."

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