Day 3 Part 2

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"What happened to Star?" Marco asked once they stepped into the portal. They were on Mewni, specifically outside Star's room. "Well, it's better to show you," Moon said as she pushed open the door. Marco gasped as he saw Star in her clothes, but torn as if something clawed on it. Star was sleeping with scars and bruises on her arms and legs. She was bandaged around her waist and right arm. "The doctors said that she's in a coma," Moon explained as she brushed Star's hair. Marco knelt beside her bed and brushed the few strands on her face.

Suddenly, all the memories that he had with Star came running down like a tidal wave. "I'll leave you two alone," Moon said quietly as she left the room. When Moon was gone, Marco let a single tear escape his eye. He takes her hand, which felt cold, as if her soul was taken. He remembered her letter to him,

I will always care for you, even if we're not together and even if we're far away from each other. It's crazy how we fall in love with people we can't have. Even if we can't be together in the end, I'm glad that you were a part of my life.

He remembered the seven words, I do have a crush on you.
Marco took a deep breath as he tried to speak. "Star, you need to wake up. Wake up for your mom, your dad, for Mewni... For me," Marco said as he whispered the last part. By now, he was crying. "Star you have to promise me that you will get better and fight Toffee, for your kingdom, your family, for your friends, me," his voice was almost a whisper. "I'm sorry," he said as he kissed Star's hand. He got up and headed for the door. He opened the door, looked back at sleeping Star and wiped off the tears, and left.

"Marco..." He could've sworn he heard someone whisper his name. He shrugged it off and sighed, walking towards Moon.

"Marco," Moon began. Marco turned to look at her, who had a frown on her face. "Star might need a couple of days off, she needs her rest. I'll drop by to tell you if she wakes up," she said. Marco only nodded. "Okay," he whispered. Moon opened a portal that lead to Marco's house. As he stepped in, he was teleported to his room. He looked around, and saw a photo of him and Star.


That night, Marco couldn't sleep, he was worried about Star. Tossing and turning in his bed, he decided to go to the roof and watch the stars. He grabbed his hoodie and headed out. He quietly snuck out from his room and sat on the roof. Marco stared at the stars as he remembered his moments with Star.

"How many stars do you think are out there, Marco?"

"There's too many to count,"

"Probably a gazillion! I mean, they're all so beautiful,"

"Yeah, well there's one star that's beautiful tonight,"





"Sure Marco,"


Marco smiled to himself before staring again at the stars.

"Star," he whispered to the night. "Did I ever tell you that I look up to the sky and I talk to you ever since you were gone?" He let a tear escape his eye again. "What I wouldn't give to hear you talk back," he said.


"I TOLD YOU TO KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON HER," Tom shouted as he went on a rage. His servants bowed their heads in shame. After Tom calmed down, he said to them, "Do you know what might happen if she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed?" All of them shook their heads.

Tom sighed. "It means," he started. "the battle will happen sooner than you'd think," Tom sighed again. "Go, I need to be alone," he said. The servants bowed and left the room. Tom teleported to Star's room, where she continued to stay still and no one was there to guard her.

"Star," he whispered.
"Don't forget Marco,"

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