Day 1

203 7 1

|Edited: 04/21/17|

so i got the days wrong and im currently working on the sequel


"Star," someone whispered. "Star..." he whispered again. "STAR!" He shouted. Star's eyelids felt heavy as she tried to pry them open. When she did she did, she came face-to-face with a man. He looked 16, short and curly raven black hair that covered his eyes. He wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it, black pants and black shoes. "Hello Starship," he said with a smile. His voice was smooth as he spoke Star's nickname. Star tried sitting up, but her body felt like it was floating, but at the same time, she felt a pull towards her bed.

"Ah, right," the mystery man said. He brought his hands to Star's hearts on her cheeks and hung his head low. Then she felt a lot of weight being lifted. Weight that she didn't know she had. The mystery man stood straight and said, "Try sitting up now."
Star suddenly felt normal. She looked around before propping herself on her elbows and sat up. The man lent out a hand and as she grabbed it, she stood up and looked around. Surveying the room, it was a hospital, nurses and doctors coming in and out, Star looked at what she was wearing. Her Earthly clothes, a faded stain of blood as she remembered what happened.

Star looked behind her and gasped as she saw herself, except asleep. "W-What?" Star stuttered. There were no words for her to describe how she's feeling. "Hold on Star, I have to do something else first," the mystery man said. He walked to a different room, unaware of Star who's following him. Oh no, is he taking me to heaven? Star thought. She saw him go to a man who appeared to be unconscious. "It's time," the mystery man said. Then, a ghost-like figure of the man sat up and went to him. He brought the man to what looked like a portal, except it was white. The man stepped through it and the portal closed. Then Star realized that she could die. Panicked, she grabbed the man's arm and said, "Please don't take me! I can't leave Marco! I can't leave knowing that my parents might kill me for dying! Please-" "Seriously?! You ain't going...yet," he said.

"You probably have a lot of questions," the mystery man said. He gestured her to follow him as he spoke again, "I'll try to answer your questions, but you might not be happy with my answers." "And you think I'll trust a stranger like you?" Star asked, raising an eyebrow. The man chuckled before saying, "Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Byron. Byron Jimenez."

"Okay, Byron. Tell me, what happened and how long was I out?" Star asked. Byron clasped his hands together, took a deep breath and said, "You died." Star looked at him with a dirty look, urging him to continue before he said, "Toffee stabbed you, you died in Marco's arms, brought back to Earth and you've been out for a couple of hours. Of course, the physical form is in a coma--"
"How am I in a coma?" Star interrupted. "Technically speaking, it's your physical form that's in a coma. It's hard to explain, a coma can delay your death and can give you only 3 months to get your tears," Byron explained. "Tears? What?" Star asked, confused.

"It's best to show you," Byron said, taking her hand. He dragged her to a room where a husband had just died. His wife was crying in the arms of another man. Affair? Star thought. "Don't worry, you're in your astrophysical form. No one can see you," Byron explained. Star's mouth formed into an 'O' shape. "Now, if you want to live again, you'll have to collect tears of pure love. There are 3 types of tears: tears of happiness," as he said that, Star noticed a yellow glittering tear escape the woman's eyes. "She's crying because her husband died and now she could be with her other lover." Byron said. "Only people in their astrophysical form can see the tears. Come on," Byron said, gesturing towards Star to follow him.

He brought her to another room, this time a man died and a man was crying. "There's also tears of anger," Byron said as he pointed to the crying man's tears that were red and glittering asit rolled down his cheek. "He's mad at his brother because he didn't pay his debt." Byron nodded his head to the door, indicating that he's bringing her to another room. Star followed him into a room where a girl was unconscious and a little girl, maybe 5, was crying. "Lastly, tears of pure love," Star saw the little girl. She cried tears that was white while it was glittering. "Her sister pushed her out of the way when a moving car was speeding towards her," Byron said.

"How are you getting all these information?" Star asked. Byron shrugged and showed his tablet, a picture of the victim, how they got into that situation, how many tears they got if they wanted to or not, when it happened and how many days left. It had Star's image. They left the room as they walked around the halls of the hospital. "Each person who died gets a choice, to either live again or accept death. And if you do, you'll get, what you call a 'guardian angel'," Byron said. "Of course I wanna live!" Star exclaimed. "So, three tears of pure love? I think I can get that."

"How do I do it?"

Byron sighed as he took out his tablet. "You'll be possessing the body of a random stranger, get your friends to cry for you and boom! You live," Byron said while tapping on his tablet. "And the lucky body you're possessing is..." he stopped tapping and showed a picture of a girl to Star, a girl with plantinum blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, wearing a black tank top under a loose purple shirt, a belt wrapped around her waist on her blue pants, a blue cap, a silver watch on her left hand and a black bracelet on her right and a necklace with a cross on it.

"Cassie D'Allessandro,"

i'll be updating every thursday (and friday if im feeling it or whenever) now, and just in case you need to see how she looked like

ANi'll be updating every thursday (and friday if im feeling it or whenever) now, and just in case you need to see how she looked like

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art not mine tho
credits to whoever did this :)

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