Day 6

249 9 8

|Edited: 04/13/17|





Marco woke up on the floor. He groaned as he rubbed his head, trying to numb the pain. That dream... Marco thought.
What's going on? What happened?
"MARCO!" Marco heard. He looked around, and in one corner of the room, stood Tom. "Tom? Okay, you have got to stop appearing at my house," Marco whispered to himself. Then Tom said something no one thought he would say, "I'm sorry,"

"W-What?" Marco asked dumbfounded. "Star..." Tom whispered. Marco's eyes widened. "W-What happened to Star?" Tom looked at Marco with a sad expression. Tom took a breath before explaining, "Star..."

Tom was walking down the hall when he saw doctors running by and entering Star's room. He started to run when servants kept pushing him towards her room. Once everyone was inside, Tom crept up behind the door. What was kept in Star's room was a shock.

Star was healed. Except...

"MARCO DIAZ!" She said in a dark but loud voice. Her eyes turned a darker shade of blue that might seem to glow in the dark. Her smile was almost so wide like a psychopath. Tom had never seen this side of Star before, surely not Marco either.
One of the doctors injected her and soon she collapsed into the bed. The doctors motioned the servants to leave. All of them left, except the King and Queen, the doctors and Tom who stayed in the shadows.

"Well, it's been three days since the battle," said one of the doctors. "But as we studied her injuries, she got shot with a spell that made her lose all types of love she knew as soon as it made impact," the queen sighed as she brushed Star's hair. "She'll forget her friends, and she'll never forgive their mistakes and remember those who did her wrong," one of the doctors said.


Tom was trying to process what he just heard. He remained in the shadows, the doctors left to leave Star to rest while the King and Queen of Mewni were making battle plans. Tom stayed behind to watch over Star.

It's been an hour when he moved closer to Star. He stared at her, still not believing that she turned 'evil'. But then a thought came to him: Star might not have fully forgiven Tom for his attitude. Then that would mean that Star would have to eliminate him. Then suddenly, before Tom could blink, Star woke up and grabbed his arm. To say that Tom was shocked was an understatement. Star had her psychotic smile on her face again and started beating Tom. If it weren't for the doctors, Tom would've been...dead.

Then Star yelled in a loud voice, "I BANISH TOM FROM MEWNI. FOREVER." Star managed to grab her wand and made a portal. Suddenly Tom felt like he was being pulled in the portal. And the next thing he knew, he was in Marco's room.


"So, what you're telling me is that Star turned 'evil' and she banned you from Mewni and you have no way of going back there?" Marco asked once Tom was finished. "That's about it," Tom said. "And not only that, she'll remember what you did to her," Tom added. "What did I do?" Marco asked. Tom gave him a dirty look before Marco realized that he didn't return Star's feelings. "But it wasn't my fault! She didn't let me know!" Marco protested. "Dude, the Blood Moon Ball...?" "Right..." "What if I gave a letter to Star?" Marco wondered aloud. "And how do you plan on getting that letter to Star?" Tom asked, crossing his arms. Marco smirked. "W-What's with the smirk? W-What are you gonna do to me?" Tom asked, sweating nervously.


Marco had his letter ready, and soon it was night. He waited until he fell asleep. Tom had gone to sleep in Marco's room because he was too lazy to return to his dimension. That and, he couldn't contact his servants.

Marco fell asleep and soon, he was falling all over again.

Falling. Falling. Except this time, he felt like he's been falling for hours. That is, when he realized that the black void turned static. He panicked, looking around.

Trying to find a way out, he saw a white crack like the one you would see on a wall. He tossed the paper, hoping that it would end up in Star's room.

Star received the letter, when she burned it.

Turning back to her bed, she slept with a sick smile on her face whispering one last thing before drifting off to sleep,

I hope that you burn, Marco Diaz.

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